Embark by ubrgw

<PackageReference Include="Embark" Version="1.0.15" />

 Embark 1.0.15

Micro NoSQL document database with a focus on visibility & simplicity. The same 30kb dll is used for: - Saving data to files locally - Hosting or connecting to a HTTP Embark server Usage & docs @ http://ubrgw.github.io/embark Feel free to contact [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions & to get involved !

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <owners>the world</owners>
    <description>Micro NoSQL document database with a focus on visibility &amp; simplicity.

The same 30kb dll is used for:
- Saving data to files locally
- Hosting or connecting to a HTTP Embark server

Usage &amp; docs @ http://ubrgw.github.io/embark

Feel free to contact [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions &amp; to get involved !</description>
    <summary>Easy to use nosql DB that saves documents in json text files.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>- Multiple concurrent calls to web server allowed
- Simplifed and improved readability of default IsMatch(..)  &amp; IsBetweenMatch(..)
- Cleaned/Clarified/Organized code &amp; namespaces

Usage &amp; docs @ http://ubrgw.github.io/embark</releaseNotes>
    <tags>nosql agile document database prototype poco db</tags>
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.ServiceModel" targetFramework="" />
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.ServiceModel.Web" targetFramework="" />
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.Web.Extensions" targetFramework="" />