EasyNetQ by Mike Hadlow,Michael Denny,Yury Pliner,Wiebe Tijsma,Contributors (see GitHub repo)

<PackageReference Include="EasyNetQ" Version="5.3.0-alpha0077" />

.NET API 412,160 bytes


public abstract class ScopeManager : IScopeManager
A base class for implementing IScopeManager.
public abstract Scope CurrentScope { get; set; }

Gets or sets the current Scope.

Gets the IServiceFactory that is associated with this IScopeManager.

protected ScopeManager(IServiceFactory serviceFactory)

Initializes a new instance of the ScopeManager class.

public Scope BeginScope()

Starts a new Scope.

public void EndScope(Scope scope)

Ends the given scope.

Ensures that we return a valid scope.