Dynamicweb.Ecommerce by Dynamicweb Software A/S

<PackageReference Include="Dynamicweb.Ecommerce" Version="1.9.44" />

.NET API 3,226,112 bytes


public class Renderer
public ContentModule ContentModule { get; set; }

Gets or sets the content module.

public bool IsOrderRendering { get; set; }

Gets or sets the value indicating whether need to render the order.

public PageView PageView { get; set; }

Gets or sets the PageView.

public int ParagraphId { get; set; }

Gets or sets the paragraph id.

Gets or sets the ProductCatalogSettings.

public Renderer()

Initializes a new instance of the class.

public Renderer(PageView pageView)

Initializes a new instance of the class.

public Renderer(PageView pageView, int paragraphId)

Initializes a new instance of the class.f

public static void RenderCountries(CountryCollection countryCollection, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the countries.

public static void RenderCountry(Country country, Template template)

Renders the country.

public static void RenderCurrencies(Template template)

Renders all currencies on the site.

public static void RenderCurrency(Currency currency, Template template, string tagName)

Renders the currency.

public static void RenderOrderContext(OrderContext orderContext, Template template, string tagName)

Renders the orderContext.

public static void RenderOrderContexts(Template template)

Renders all order contexts on the site.

public static void RenderOrderFieldValues(Order order, ref Template template)

Renders the order fields.

public static void RenderOrderTemplateExtenders(Order order, Template template, TemplateExtenderRenderingState renderingState)

Extends a Order template with TemplateExtenders.

public static void RenderOrderTemplateExtenders(Order order, Template template, TemplateExtenderRenderingState renderingState, int paragraphId)

Extends an Order with TemplateExtenders.

public static void RenderPriceInfo(IPriceInfo price, Template template, string tagName)

Renders the price information.

public bool FileExists(string imagePath)

Checks the existence of the file.

public void ForcePageId(int pageId)

Forces the page id.

public string GetProductImage(string imagePath, string imageSize)

Gets the product image.

public void InitializeImagePatternSettings(string imagePatternProductCatalog)

Initialize settings to render product's alternative images

public string Pid()

Gets the "PID=" URL segment.

public void RenderBoughtFromDateTags(Template template, DateTime boughtFromGivenDate)

Renders the orders from specified date.

public void RenderCustomFields(Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the custom fields.

public void RenderCustomGroupField(ProductFieldValueCollection productFieldValues, Template template)

Renders the custom fields.

public void RenderCustomProductField(Product product, Template template)

Renders the custom field.

public void RenderDetail(Detail detail, Template template)

Render the detail.

public void RenderDetails(IEnumerable<Detail> details, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the details.

public void RenderGiftCards(IEnumerable<GiftCard> giftCards, Template parentTemplate)

Render bought gift cards products.

public void RenderGroup(Group group, Template template)

Renders single group.

public void RenderGroup(Group group, Template template, bool renderSubGroups)

Renders single group.

public void RenderGroupCategory(Group group, Template template)

Renders group categories.

public string RenderGroups(GroupCollection groups)

Renders the groups.

public void RenderGroups(GroupCollection groups, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the groups.

public void RenderGroupTemplateExtenders(Group group, Template template)

Extends a Group template with TemplateExtenders

public void RenderOrder(Order order, Template template)

Renders the order.

public void RenderOrder(Order order, Template template, bool extendedProperties, int stepNumber)

Renders the order.

public void RenderOrderDetails(Template template, Order order, bool extendedProperties)

Renders the order detail.

public void RenderOrderDetails(Template template, Order order, bool extendedProperties, OrderTemplateExtenderContext orderContext)

Renders the order details.

public void RenderOrderLine(OrderLine orderLine, Template template)

Renders the order line.

public void RenderOrderLines(OrderLineCollection orderLines, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the order lines.

public void RenderOrderLineTemplateExtenders(Order order, OrderLine orderLine, Template template, TemplateExtenderRenderingState renderingState)

Extends a Cart template with TemplateExtenders

public void RenderOrderTaxes(OrderLineCollection orderLines, Template template)

Render order taxes.

public string RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties)

Renders the product.

public string RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties, string unitId)

Renders the product.

public void RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties, Template template)

Renders the product.

public void RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties, Template template, int loopCounter)

Renders the product.

public void RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties, Template template, int loopCounter, bool renderRelated, int orderLineOfProductCount = 0)

Renders the product.

public void RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties, Template template, int loopCounter, bool renderRelated, string productUrl)

Renders the product.

public void RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties, Template template, int loopCounter, bool renderRelated, string productUrl, int quantity, int wishListId)

Renders the product.

public void RenderProduct(Product product, bool extendedProperties, Template template, int loopCounter, bool renderRelated, string productUrl, int quantity, int wishListId, bool renderPublicList, int orderLineOfProductCount = 0)

Renders the product.

public void RenderProductCategories(Product product, Template template, string loopName)

Renders product categories.

public void RenderProductCategoryFields(Product product, Category category, Template template, string loopName)

Renders product category field values from the specified category.

public void RenderProductCustomFields(ProductFieldValueCollection productFieldValues, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the custom fields.

public void RenderProductCustomFieldValues(ProductFieldValueCollection productFieldValues, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the custom fields.

public void RenderProductGroupCustomFields(ProductGroupFieldValueCollection productGroupFieldValues, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the custom fields.

public void RenderProductGroupCustomFields(string languageId, ProductGroupFieldValueCollection productGroupFieldValues, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the custom fields.

public void RenderProductGroups(Template parentTemplate)

Renders the product groups.

Extends a ProductList template with TemplateExtenders.

public void RenderProductManufacturer(Manufacturer manufacturer, Template template)

Renders the product manufacturer.

public void RenderProductRelatedGroups(Product product, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the related products groups.

public string RenderProducts(ProductCollection products)

Renders the products.

public void RenderProducts(ProductCollection products, Template parentTemplate)

Renders the products.

public void RenderProducts(ProductCollection products, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the products.

public void RenderProducts(ProductCollection products, Template parentTemplate, string loopName, int loopCounter)

Renders the products.

public void RenderProductsSimpleWithQuantity(Dictionary<Product, int> productDictionary, Template template, int wishListId)

Renders the products with the quantity.

public void RenderProductTaxes(OrderLineCollection orderLines, OrderLine orderLine, Template template)

Render taxes for product.

public void RenderProductTemplateExtenders(Product product, Template template)

Extends a product template with TemplateExtenders.

public void RenderProductTemplateExtenders(Product product, Template template, bool extendedProperties)

Extends a Product template with TemplateExtenders.

public void RenderRma(ReturnMerchandiseAuthorization rma, Template template, string orderId, bool hasAddProductComment, bool hasAddContent, bool hasCancelContent)

Renders the RMA.

public void RenderRmaComment(ReturnMerchandiseAuthorizationComment comment, Template template, bool hasAddContent, bool hasCancelContent)

Renders the RMA comment.

public void RenderRmaComments(ReturnMerchandiseAuthorizationCommentCollection comments, Template parentTemplate, string loopName, bool hasAddContent, bool hasCancelContent)

Renders the RMA comments.

public void RenderRmaDetails(Template template, ReturnMerchandiseAuthorization rma, string orderId, bool hasAddProductComment, bool hasAddContent, bool hasCancelContent)

Renders the RMA details.

public void RenderRmaHasContent(Template template, bool hasAddContent, bool hasCancelContent)

Renders the RMA tags HasAddContent and HasCancelContent.

public void RenderRmaOrderLine(ReturnMerchandiseAuthorizationOrderLine rmaOrderLine, int prefixId, Template template, bool hasAddProductComment, bool hasAddContent, bool hasCancelContent)

Renders the RMA order line.

public void RenderRmaOrderLines(ReturnMerchandiseAuthorizationOrderlineCollection rmaOrderLines, Template parentTemplate, string loopName, bool hasAddProductComment, bool hasAddContent, bool hasCancelContent)

Renders the RMA order lines.

public void RenderRmaTypes(int selectedTypeId, List<KeyValuePair<ReturnMerchandiseAuthorizationType, string>> types, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the RMA types.

public string RenderSearchTemplate()

Renders the search template.

public void RenderShippingTaxes(OrderLineCollection orderLines, Template template)

Render taxes for shipping

public void RenderStockLocations(Product product, Template template, string currentUnitId, bool isRenderInternalLoop)

Renders the stock locations.

public void RenderStockStateTotals(Product product, Template template)

Renders the totals for stock state.

public void RenderStockStatus(StockStatus stockStatus, Template template)

Renders stock status.

public void RenderStockUnits(Product product, Template template, StockLocation currentStockLocation, bool isRenderInternalLoop)

Renders stock units.

public void RenderUnits(Product product, Template template)

Renders units.

public void RenderVariantAvailableOptions(Product product, IEnumerable<VariantOption> groupVariantOptions, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the available variant options.

public void RenderVariantAvailableOptions(Product product, IEnumerable<VariantOption> groupVariantOptions, Template parentTemplate, string loopName, bool isCalledInsideRecursion)

Renders the available variant options.

public void RenderVariantCombinations(Product product, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the variant combinations.

public void RenderVariantGroup(Product product, VariantGroup variantGroup, Template template)

Renders the variant groups.

public void RenderVariantGroups(Product product, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the variant groups.

public void RenderVariantOption(VariantOption VariantOption, Template Template)

Renders the variant option.

public void RenderVariantOption(VariantOption variantOption, Template template, string renderingVariantId)

Renders the variant option.

public void RenderVariantOptions(IEnumerable<VariantOption> variantOptions, Template parentTemplate, string loopName)

Renders the variant options.