Dynamicweb.Ecommerce by Dynamicweb Software A/S

<PackageReference Include="Dynamicweb.Ecommerce" Version="1.9.44" />

.NET API 3,226,112 bytes


public class Gui
public Gui()

public static string AccessDbAlert()

Renders javascript alert for use of ms access with eCommerce.

public static string AlertMessageBox(string translatedText, string boxWidth)

Creates a nice formated alertbox (NOT Javascript)

public static string AlertMessageBox(string translatedText, string boxWidth, string cssClass)

Creates a nice formated alertbox (NOT Javascript)

public static void ClearBrowserCache()

Clears the browser cache. Uses the response cache control

public static string CountryFeeData(string methodType, string methodId, string countryId)

Renders country fee matrix UI.

public static string CountryFeeData(string methodType, string methodId, string countryId, string regionId)

public static string CountryRelDefaultData(string methodCode)

Country relation selector for payment and shipping. Set default data UI.

public static string CountryRelDefaultData(string methodCode, bool advancedLayout)

Country relation selector for payment and shipping. Set default data UI.

public static string CountryRelDefaultData(string methodCode, bool advancedLayout, string fieldPostFix)

Country relation selector for payment and shipping. Set default data UI.

public static string CreateDropDown(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> datalist, DropDownList dropdownObj, string selectedData, bool showNothingSelectedItem = true, string nothingSelectedLabel = "")

Fills up the drop down (ListItem webcontrol). Used in eCommerce backend for misc. dropdown selectors

public static string CreateDropDown(SortedList datalist, DropDownList dropdownObj, string selectedData, bool showNothingSelectedItem = true, string nothingSelectedLabel = "")

Fills up the drop down (ListItem webcontrol). Used in eCommerce backend for misc. dropdown selectors

public static string CreateDropDownArrayList(ArrayList datalist, DropDownList dropdownObj, string selectedData, bool showNothingSelectedItem = true, string nothingSelectedLabel = "")

Fills up the drop down (ListItem webcontrol). Used in eCommerce backend for misc. dropdown selectors

public static string CreateHtmlDropdown(SortedList datalist, HtmlSelect dropdownObj, string selectedData, bool showNothingSelectedItem = true, string nothingSelectedLabel = "")

Fills up the drop down (ListItem webcontrol). Used in eCommerce backend for misc. dropdown selectors

public static string GetDimensionsUnit()

Gets the weight unit text from global settings.

public static string GetVolumeUnit()

Gets the volume unit text from global settings.

public static string GetWeightUnit()

Gets the weight unit text from global settings.

public static string GroupListData(string selectedCsv)

Show a UI list of product groups.

public static string GroupListData(string selectedCsv, string inputFieldName)

Show a UI list of product groups.

public static string GroupListData(string selectedCsv, string inputFieldName, string removeJsFunction)

Show a UI list of product groups.

public static string GroupListData(string selectedCsv, string inputFieldName, string removeJsFunction, string altPostFixRemoveId)

Show a UI list of product groups.

public static void Loader(string elementName)

Shows default eCommercer loader animation

public static void Loader(string elementName, bool clearCache, string headerStr)

Shows default eCommercer loader animation

public static void SaveFeeData(string preFix)

Saves the fee data.

public static void SaveFeeData(string preFix, string methodId)

Saves the fee data.