Dynamicweb.Ecommerce by Dynamicweb Software A/S

<PackageReference Include="Dynamicweb.Ecommerce" Version="1.9.3" />

.NET API 3,179,008 bytes


Namespace with 75 public types


 Detail Represents product details objects
 DetailsGroup Represents information about a details group.
 DetailsGroupService The DetailsGroupService class providing methods for querying and saving the DetailsGroup data.
 FieldOption Represents a single field option.
 FieldOptionCollection Represents a collection of field options.
 FieldOptionTranslation The class FieldOptionTranslation represents product translation.
 FieldOptionTranslationCollection The class FieldOptionTranslationCollection represents collection of .
 FieldType Represents product field type object
 Group Product group class
 GroupCollection Collection of product groups.
 GroupDeleting Helper class to properly delete group with access rights checks and from all places: pages, shops, other groups and products relations etc.
 GroupDetail Represents product details objects
 GroupMetaData Represents information about meta data.
 GroupRelation Class for parent-child relations between product groups
 GroupRelationCollection Collection class for parent-child relations between product groups
 GroupService The GroupService class providing methods for querying and saving the Group aggregate to and from persistence.
 GroupShopRelation Class for relation objects between shops and product groups
 Manufacturer Class for Manufacturer objects
 ManufacturerCollection Collection of Manufacturer class objects
 Period General-purpose Period class, used, for example, for prices
 Product Represents information about a product.
 ProductBackInStockNotification Represents information about an product back in stock notification.
 ProductCollection Represents a collection of the products.
 ProductCommentSaveSubscriber The class ProductCommentSaveSubscriber represents after product comment saved event subscriber.
 ProductDeleting Represents methods for deleting products.
 ProductField Provides information about a product field.
 ProductFieldTranslation The class ProductFieldTranslation represents translation.
 ProductFieldTranslationCollection The class ProductFieldTranslationCollection represents collection of .
 ProductFieldValue This class saves the new values for
 ProductFieldValueCollection Represents a collection of ProductFieldValue objects.
 ProductGroupField Represents information about product group.
 ProductGroupFieldCollection The class ProductGroupFieldCollection represents collection of .
 ProductGroupFieldValue This class saves the new values for
 ProductGroupFieldValueCollection Represents collection of ProductGroupFieldValue objects.
 ProductGroupRelation Represents information about related groups.
 ProductGroupRelationCollection Represents a collection of ProductGroupRelation objects.
 ProductItem Represents information about product's item.
 ProductItemCollection Represents a collection of ProductItem objects.
 ProductKey The product key
 ProductMetaData Represents information about meta data.
 ProductRelated Represents information about related products.
 ProductRelatedGroup Represents information about the product related groups.
 ProductRelation Represents information about product relations
 ProductVatGroup Represents VAT groups on product for each country
 ProductWorkflowStateChangedSubscriber The class ProductWorkflowStateChangedSubscriber represents product workflow state changed event subscriber.
 RelatedSmartSearch The class RelatedSmartSearch represents product related smart searches.
 RelatedSmartSearchCollection Represents a collection of RelatedSmartSearch objects.
 SaveMethodCombo Represents properties for saving.
 SaveMethodComboCollection Represents methods for adding and loading SaveMethodCombo objects.


 DetailsGroupControlType The enum DetailsGroupControlType enumerates types for asset category control
 DiscontinuedAction Discontinued action
 FieldListPresentationType Represents presentation type for fields of type "list".
 GroupCollectionSortBy Sorting fields.
 ManufacturerCollectionSortBy Sorting fields.
 ProductBackInStockNotificationState The enum ProductBackInStockNotificationState represents states enumeration.
 ProductDataBaseField DB fields.
 ProductFieldSectionType Describe the section type of the product field
 ProductOrderStockOperator 1 - Negative, 0 - Positive.
 ProductPriceType Type of price.
 ProductQuantification The enum ProductQuantification represents product quantification types enumeration.
 ProductType Type of product.
 SortDirection Sorting direction.
 UpdateType Update type.

 Abstract Classes

 GroupTemplateExtender Group template extender. Extends the rendering of a .
 ProductListTemplateExtender Product list template extender. Extends the rendering of a .
 ProductTemplateExtender Product template extender. Extends the rendering of a .