Dynamicweb.Ecommerce by Dynamicweb Software A/S

<PackageReference Include="Dynamicweb.Ecommerce" Version="1.8.67" />

.NET API 3,041,792 bytes


Namespace with 24 public types


 ConditionPointInfo Represents information about condition points.
 ConditionReward Represents information about rewards which could be earned and condition for that
 ConditionRule Represents information about condition for reward
 DefaultPointProvider Represents a default points provider.
 PointInfo Represents information about points.
 PointManager Represents a point manager. Provides prepares and finds points.
 PointTransactionManager Represents a point transaction manager.
 Reward Represents information about an reward.
 RewardCollection Represents a collection of the rewards.
 RewardPointsGiven Represents how much a reward have been giving in points
 RewardRule Represents information about an reward rule.
 RewardRuleCollection Represents a collection of the reward rules.
 UserTransaction Represents information about an user transaction.
 UserTransactionCollection Represents a collection of the user transactions.


 ConditionRuleType The order of enum values mean a priority of this rule type
 RewardCollectionSortBy The SortBy enumeration defines on which field reward will be sorted.
 RewardCollectionSortDirection The SortDirection enumeration defines in which direction discount will be sorted.
 RewardType Enumeration with reward types.
 TransactionObjectType Enumeration with transaction object types.


 IConditionPointProvider IConditionPointProvider interface.
 IPointInfo IPointInfo interface.
 IPointProvider IPointProvider interface.
 IStatelessPointProvider IStatelessPointProvider interface.