DryIoc by Maksim Volkau

<PackageReference Include="DryIoc" Version="2.0.0-rc3build329" />

 DryIoc 2.0.0-rc3build329

DryIoc is small, fast, capable IoC container for .NET

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Maksim Volkau</authors>
    <owners>Maksim Volkau</owners>
    <description>DryIoc is small, fast, capable IoC container for .NET</description>
    <releaseNotes>- rc1 breaking: No scope context by default! - ambient scope context should be explicitly specified for Container.
            - rc1 breaking: No more OpenScopeWithoutContext - use OpenScope without specifying scope context, which is default.
            - rc1 breaking: No more ReuseRecyclable wrapper - use IfAlreadyRegistered.Replace instead.
            - rc1 breaking: LambdaExpression instead of FactoryExpression{T}.
            - rc1 breaking: Removed compiling factory delegates to Dynamic Assembly and whole complexity - DryIoc perf is fine without it.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright © 2013 Maksim Volkau</copyright>
    <tags>IoC Container Inversion-of-Control DI Dependency-Injection DRY Service-Provider Factory</tags>