DocuSign.Rooms by DocuSign

<PackageReference Include="DocuSign.Rooms" Version="1.2.0-rc" />

.NET API 1,044,992 bytes


public bool? AutoAccessToRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets AutoAccessToRooms

public bool? CanAddDocuments { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddDocuments

public bool? CanAddDocumentsFromFormGroups { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddDocumentsFromFormGroups

public bool? CanAddDocumentsFromFormLibraries { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddDocumentsFromFormLibraries

public bool? CanAddMemberAndSetRoleLowerAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddMemberAndSetRoleLowerAccessLevel

public bool? CanAddMemberAndSetRoleSameAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddMemberAndSetRoleSameAccessLevel

public bool? CanAddTasksToAnyTaskLists { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddTasksToAnyTaskLists

public bool? CanAddTasksToRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddTasksToRooms

public bool? CanAddUsersToRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAddUsersToRooms

public bool? CanApplyRoomTemplates { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanApplyRoomTemplates

public bool? CanApplyTaskList { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanApplyTaskList

public bool? CanAutoApproveTaskList { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAutoApproveTaskList

public bool? CanAutoSubmitTaskList { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanAutoSubmitTaskList

public bool? CanChangeMemberRoleLowerAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanChangeMemberRoleLowerAccessLevel

public bool? CanChangeMemberRoleSameAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanChangeMemberRoleSameAccessLevel

public bool? CanCloseRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanCloseRooms

public bool? CanCopyRoomDetails { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanCopyRoomDetails

public bool? CanCreateAndManagePackages { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanCreateAndManagePackages

public bool? CanCreateRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanCreateRooms

public bool? CanDeleteAnyTasks { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanDeleteAnyTasks

public bool? CanDeleteDeletableTasks { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanDeleteDeletableTasks

public bool? CanDeleteOwnedDocuments { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanDeleteOwnedDocuments

public bool? CanDeleteOwnedRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanDeleteOwnedRooms

public bool? CanEditAnyRoomRole { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanEditAnyRoomRole

public bool? CanEditAnyTasks { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanEditAnyTasks

public bool? CanEditEditableTasks { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanEditEditableTasks

public bool? CanEditInvitedRoomRole { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanEditInvitedRoomRole

public bool? CanExportRoomActivityDetailsPeople { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanExportRoomActivityDetailsPeople

public bool? CanManageAccount { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageAccount

public bool? CanManageAnyUserRoomAccess { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageAnyUserRoomAccess

public bool? CanManageFormGroups { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageFormGroups

public bool? CanManageIntegrationSettings { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageIntegrationSettings

public bool? CanManageInvitedUserRoomAccess { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageInvitedUserRoomAccess

public bool? { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageLogo

public bool? CanManageMemberLowerAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageMemberLowerAccessLevel

public bool? CanManageMemberSameAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageMemberSameAccessLevel

public bool? CanManageRoomDetails { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageRoomDetails

public bool? CanManageRoomTemplates { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageRoomTemplates

public bool? CanManageSharedDocs { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanManageSharedDocs

Gets or Sets CanManageTaskTemplatesForAllRegionsAllOffices

public bool? CanRemoveAnyTaskList { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanRemoveAnyTaskList

public bool? CanRemoveCompanyMemberLowerAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanRemoveCompanyMemberLowerAccessLevel

public bool? CanRemoveCompanyMemberSameAccessLevel { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanRemoveCompanyMemberSameAccessLevel

public bool? CanReopenRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanReopenRooms

public bool? CanReviewTaskList { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanReviewTaskList

public bool? CanSendRoomDetailsToLoneWolf { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanSendRoomDetailsToLoneWolf

public bool? CanShareDocsNotOwned { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanShareDocsNotOwned

public bool? CanSubmitRoomsForReview { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanSubmitRoomsForReview

public bool? CanSubmitTaskList { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanSubmitTaskList

public bool? CanViewAndEditRoomDetails { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanViewAndEditRoomDetails

public bool? CanViewRoomDetails { get; set; }

Gets or Sets CanViewRoomDetails

public bool? DocumentsAutoOwnedByPeers { get; set; }

Gets or Sets DocumentsAutoOwnedByPeers

public bool? DocumentsViewableByOthersInRoomFromOffice { get; set; }

Gets or Sets DocumentsViewableByOthersInRoomFromOffice

public bool? IsVisibleInRooms { get; set; }

Gets or Sets IsVisibleInRooms

public NullablePermissions(bool? CanAddUsersToRooms = default, bool? CanCreateRooms = default, bool? CanSubmitRoomsForReview = default, bool? CanCloseRooms = default, bool? CanReopenRooms = default, bool? CanDeleteOwnedRooms = default, bool? AutoAccessToRooms = default, bool? CanExportRoomActivityDetailsPeople = default, bool? IsVisibleInRooms = default, bool? CanCopyRoomDetails = default, bool? CanEditAnyRoomRole = default, bool? CanEditInvitedRoomRole = default, bool? CanManageAnyUserRoomAccess = default, bool? CanManageInvitedUserRoomAccess = default, bool? CanViewRoomDetails = default, bool? CanViewAndEditRoomDetails = default, bool? CanSendRoomDetailsToLoneWolf = default, bool? CanAddDocuments = default, bool? CanAddDocumentsFromFormGroups = default, bool? CanAddDocumentsFromFormLibraries = default, bool? DocumentsViewableByOthersInRoomFromOffice = default, bool? DocumentsAutoOwnedByPeers = default, bool? CanDeleteOwnedDocuments = default, bool? CanManageSharedDocs = default, bool? CanManageFormGroups = default, bool? CanShareDocsNotOwned = default, bool? CanAddTasksToAnyTaskLists = default, bool? CanEditEditableTasks = default, bool? CanEditAnyTasks = default, bool? CanDeleteDeletableTasks = default, bool? CanDeleteAnyTasks = default, bool? CanApplyTaskList = default, bool? CanRemoveAnyTaskList = default, bool? CanSubmitTaskList = default, bool? CanAutoSubmitTaskList = default, bool? CanReviewTaskList = default, bool? CanAutoApproveTaskList = default, bool? CanManageTaskTemplatesForAllRegionsAllOffices = default, bool? CanApplyRoomTemplates = default, bool? CanAddTasksToRooms = default, bool? CanCreateAndManagePackages = default, bool? CanAddMemberAndSetRoleLowerAccessLevel = default, bool? CanAddMemberAndSetRoleSameAccessLevel = default, bool? CanChangeMemberRoleLowerAccessLevel = default, bool? CanChangeMemberRoleSameAccessLevel = default, bool? CanManageMemberLowerAccessLevel = default, bool? CanManageMemberSameAccessLevel = default, bool? CanRemoveCompanyMemberLowerAccessLevel = default, bool? CanRemoveCompanyMemberSameAccessLevel = default, bool? CanManageAccount = default, bool? CanManageLogo = default, bool? CanManageRoomDetails = default, bool? CanManageRoomTemplates = default, bool? CanManageIntegrationSettings = default)

Initializes a new instance of the NullablePermissions class.

public bool Equals(NullablePermissions other)

Returns true if NullablePermissions instances are equal

public string ToJson()

Returns the JSON string presentation of the object