DataBooster.SqlServer by Abel Cheng

<PackageReference Include="DataBooster.SqlServer" Version="" />


Less Code, Less Configuration, Less Time. DataBooster is a high-performance extension to ADO.NET Data Provider, includes a light encapsulation to minimize your DAL code and a booster to maximize throughput for writing mass data onto database. Visit

<package xmlns="">
    <title>DataBooster for SQL Server</title>
    <authors>Abel Cheng</authors>
    <description>Less Code, Less Configuration, Less Time. DataBooster is a high-performance extension to ADO.NET Data Provider, includes a light encapsulation to minimize your DAL code and a booster to maximize throughput for writing mass data onto database. Visit</description>
    <copyright>Copyright 2015 Abel Cheng</copyright>
    <tags>DbParallel DataAccess ADO.NET Booster Launcher Throughput Database</tags>
    <dependencies />
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.Configuration" targetFramework="" />