CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect by Thomas Galliker

<PackageReference Include="CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect" Version="1.0.1" />

 CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect 1.0.1

CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary's ITracer which allows to trace annotated methods. Simply apply the provided [TracingAspect] annotation and Fody will use your configured ITracer to trace enter/exit of method calls including the duration of the call. Beware: Due to restrictions in Fody, the provided [TracingAspect] will only work in portable class libraries (PCL) up to now.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Thomas Galliker</authors>
    <owners>Thomas Galliker</owners>
    <description>CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary's ITracer which allows to trace annotated methods.
      Simply apply the provided [TracingAspect] annotation and Fody will use your configured ITracer to trace enter/exit of method calls including the duration of the call.

      Beware: Due to restrictions in Fody, the provided [TracingAspect] will only work in portable class libraries (PCL) up to now.</description>
    <summary>CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary's ITracer which allows to trace annotated methods.</summary>
    <releaseNotes />
    <copyright>Copyright 2016</copyright>
    <tags>xamarin pcl CrossPlatformLibrary CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect plugin for tracer tracing fody AOP annotation windows phone winphone wp8 windowsphone android xamarin.forms xamarin.ios ios monoandroid monodroid monotouch</tags>
      <group targetFramework="MonoTouch1.0">
        <dependency id="CrossPlatformLibrary" />
        <dependency id="Fody" />
        <dependency id="MethodDecoratorEx.Fody" />
      <group targetFramework="Xamarin.iOS1.0">
        <dependency id="CrossPlatformLibrary" />
        <dependency id="Fody" />
        <dependency id="MethodDecoratorEx.Fody" />
      <group targetFramework="MonoAndroid1.0">
        <dependency id="CrossPlatformLibrary" />
        <dependency id="Fody" />
        <dependency id="MethodDecoratorEx.Fody" />
      <group targetFramework="WindowsPhone8.0">
        <dependency id="CrossPlatformLibrary" />
        <dependency id="Fody" />
        <dependency id="MethodDecoratorEx.Fody" />
      <group targetFramework="WindowsPhoneApp8.1">
        <dependency id="CrossPlatformLibrary" />
        <dependency id="Fody" />
        <dependency id="MethodDecoratorEx.Fody" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETPortable0.0-net45+dnxcore50+wp80+wpa81+win81+netcore45+monoandroid10+monotouch10+xamarin.ios10">
        <dependency id="CrossPlatformLibrary" />
        <dependency id="Fody" />
        <dependency id="MethodDecoratorEx.Fody" />