CodeOnlyStoredProcedures by Abraham Heidebrecht

<PackageReference Include="CodeOnlyStoredProcedures" Version="1.2.1" />

 CodeOnlyStoredProcedures 1.2.1

A library for easily calling Stored Procedures in .NET. Works great with Entity Framework Code First models. Code Only Stored Procedures will not create any Stored Procedures on your database. Instead, its aim is to make it easy to call your existing stored procedures by writing simple code.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Code Only Stored Proecedures</title>
    <authors>Abraham Heidebrecht</authors>
    <owners>Abraham Heidebrecht</owners>
    <description>A library for easily calling Stored Procedures in .NET. Works great with Entity Framework Code First models. 
Code Only Stored Procedures will not create any Stored Procedures on your database. Instead, its aim is to make it easy to call your existing stored procedures by writing simple code.</description>
Added better exception when a model is missing a public parameterless constructor.

Added a much cleaner syntax for calling stored procedures, by using dynamic objects.

Improved exceptions so that it is easier to determine why the data returned doesn't map to your model correctly.
Now ignores read-only properties, so they don't have to be attributed with [NotMapped]

Fixed bug where calling a stored procedure within a Task that was executing on the SynchronizationContext could cause a deadlock.

Added implementation of ToString that will print the stored procedure's schema, name, and parameters.
Significantly improved speed of the code that converts values to enum values.
Added xml comments to all public methods. While not complete documentation, they are a huge first step.

Significantly reduced reflection usage. Now, reflection happens once per result type, and is compiled into a lambda expression. This should help improve performance significantly.
Added support for single column result sets without creating a result model. For instance, if your stored procedure returns one string column, you can retrieve the values with a StoredProcedure&lt;string&gt;        

Updated execution logic so the CPU won't spike while running, but commands can still be cancelled.

Added data transformation attribute &amp; IDataTransformer for interning strings.
Added IDataTransformer implementation for trimming strings.

Added data transformation attribute for converting numeric types automatically from their database type to the property type the attribute decorates.
Added data transformation attribute to automatically remove whitespace from strings returned from the database.</releaseNotes>
    <tags>StoredProcedure EntityFramework EF</tags>
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.5">
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable" version="1.0.34" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.0">
        <dependency id="EntityFramework" version="6.1.1" />
      <reference file="CodeOnlyStoredProcedure.dll" />