Cedar.HttpCommandHandling by Damian Hickey

<PackageReference Include="Cedar.HttpCommandHandling" Version="0.5.0" />

.NET API 1,590,272 bytes

 Cedar.HttpCommandHandling 0.5.0

A library to assist is handling commands sent over HTTP. Typically used in CQS and CQRS applications. Supports HTTP Problem Details.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>Cedar - HTTP Command Handling Middleware</title>
    <authors>Damian Hickey</authors>
    <owners>Damian Hickey</owners>
    <description>A library to assist is handling commands sent over HTTP. Typically used in CQS and CQRS applications. Supports HTTP Problem Details.</description>
    <releaseNotes />
    <tags>cqrs event-sourcing domain-driven-design owin middleware</tags>
      <dependency id="Cedar.HttpCommandHandling.Client" version="[0.5, 0.6)" />