Catel.Core by GeertvanHorrik

<PackageReference Include="Catel.Core" Version="4.1.0-unstable0129" />


Interface defining a factory to create DataContractSerializer objects for specific types.
DataContractSerializer GetDataContractSerializer(Type serializingType, Type typeToSerialize, string xmlName, string rootNamespace = null, object serializingObject = null, List<Type> additionalKnownTypes = null)

Gets the Data Contract serializer for a specific type. This method caches serializers so the performance can be improved when a serializer is used more than once.

DataContractSerializer GetDataContractSerializer(Type serializingType, Type typeToSerialize, string xmlName, string rootNamespace = null, List<Type> additionalKnownTypes = null)

Gets the Data Contract serializer for a specific type. This method caches serializers so the performance can be improved when a serializer is used more than once.