Catel.Core by GeertvanHorrik

<PackageReference Include="Catel.Core" Version="4.1.0-unstable0129" />


public static class AssemblyHelper
Assembly helper class.
public static Type[] GetAllTypesSafely(this Assembly assembly, bool logLoaderExceptions = true)

Gets all types from the assembly safely. Sometimes, the ReflectionTypeLoadException is thrown, and no types are returned. In that case the user must manually get the successfully loaded types from the Types.

This method automatically loads the types. If the ReflectionTypeLoadException occurs, this method will return the types that were loaded successfully.

public static string GetAssemblyNameWithVersion(string assemblyNameWithoutVersion)

Gets the assembly name with version which is currently available in the AppDomain.

public static Assembly GetEntryAssembly()

Gets the entry assembly.

Gets the loaded assemblies by using the right method. For Windows applications, it uses AppDomain.GetAssemblies(). For Silverlight, it uses the assemblies from the current application.

public static List<Assembly> GetLoadedAssemblies(this AppDomain appDomain)

Gets the loaded assemblies by using the right method. For Windows applications, it uses AppDomain.GetAssemblies(). For Silverlight, it uses the assemblies from the current application.