Cake.CoreCLR by Patrik Svensson, Mattias Karlsson, Gary Ewan Park, Alistair Chapman, Martin Björkström and contributors

<PackageReference Include="Cake.CoreCLR" Version="0.20.0" />

Package Files

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 Cake.CoreCLR 0.20.0

The Cake script runner.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Patrik Svensson, Mattias Karlsson, Gary Ewan Park, Alistair Chapman, Martin Björkström and contributors</authors>
    <owners>Patrik Svensson, Mattias Karlsson, Gary Ewan Park, Alistair Chapman, Martin Björkström and contributors</owners>
    <description>The Cake script runner.</description>
    <summary>Cake (C# Make) is a build automation system with a C# DSL to do things like compiling code, copy files/folders, running unit tests, compress files and build NuGet packages.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>1539 Update solution to Visual Studio 2017
1640 Fetch version from solutioninfo &amp; remove newtonsoft dependency
1638 Unix Integration tests fail post new SDK
1635 Non Nuspec assemblies not packaged after VS2017 upgrade
1603 Push Cake.NuGet to MyGet/NuGet
1538 Update DotNetInstallerUri to
1620 Improve documentation for RedirectStandardError and RedirectStandardOutput
1613 Added documentation link to NUnit3Settings.Where
1605 Fix the contribution-guidelines link again
1604 Fix the contribution guidelines link in the README
1595 Add Alistair and Martin names to all required places</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors</copyright>
    <tags>Cake Script Build</tags>