C1.Blazor.Grid by GrapeCity, Inc.

<PackageReference Include="C1.Blazor.Grid" Version="3.1.20203.35" />

.NET API 297,560 bytes


Represents a data map for use with the column's dataMap property.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty

public IDataCollection<object> DataCollection { get; }

Gets the inner data collection.

public string DisplayMemberPath { get; set; }

The name of the property to use as the visual representation of the items.

public IEnumerable ItemsSource { get; set; }

Gets or sets the collection of items to map.

public string SelectedValuePath { get; set; }

The name of the property that contains the keys (data values).

public GridDataMap()

public object GetDisplayValue(object value)

Gets the display value corresponding to the specified selected value.

public object GetKeyValue(object value)

Gets the key value corresponding to the specified display value.