BoC by Chris van de Steeg

<PackageReference Include="BoC" Version="2.0.0" />

 BoC 2.0.0

BoC needs some documentation, but contains lots of usefull stuff like -EventAggregator pattern implementation -Inversion of Control wrapper (see other BoC packages like BoC.InversionOfControl.Unity for implementations) -UnitOfWork pattern implementation (see other BoC packages like BoC.Persistence.NHibernate for implementations) -Bootstrapper and Background task pattern implementation -Logging wrapper (see BoC.Logging.log4net for implementation) -Persistence repository and service pattern implementation (see other BoC packages like BoC.Persistence.NHibernate for implementations)

<package xmlns="">
    <title>BoC base library</title>
    <authors>Chris van de Steeg</authors>
    <owners>Chris van de Steeg</owners>
    <description>BoC needs some documentation, but contains lots of usefull stuff like
			-EventAggregator pattern implementation
			-Inversion of Control wrapper (see other BoC packages like BoC.InversionOfControl.Unity for implementations)
			-UnitOfWork pattern implementation (see other BoC packages like BoC.Persistence.NHibernate for implementations)
			-Bootstrapper and Background task pattern implementation
			-Logging wrapper (see BoC.Logging.log4net for implementation)
			-Persistence repository and service pattern implementation (see other BoC packages like BoC.Persistence.NHibernate for implementations)</description>
    <summary>Set of usefull base abstractions (ioc, bootstrappers, persistency, repository pattern)</summary>
    <releaseNotes>First official release.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2012</copyright>
    <tags>EventAggregator inversion of control library bootstrapper persistence logging</tags>