Batman.MVC.Assets.Less by James Craig

<PackageReference Include="Batman.MVC.Assets.Less" Version="1.0.58" />

.NET API 5,632 bytes

 Batman.MVC.Assets.Less 1.0.58

This adds the ability to bundle less files within Batman.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Batman Framework LESS Support</title>
    <authors>James Craig</authors>
    <owners>James Craig</owners>
    <description>This adds the ability to bundle less files within Batman.</description>
    <summary>This adds the ability to bundle less files within Batman.</summary>
    <copyright>Copyright 2013 James Craig</copyright>
    <tags>batman framework mvc less</tags>
      <dependency id="dotless" version="[]" />
      <dependency id="Batman.Core" version="[1.0.0058]" />
      <dependency id="Batman.MVC" version="[1.0.0058]" />