Azure.ResourceManager.ServiceBus by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Azure.ResourceManager.ServiceBus" Version="1.0.0" />

.NET API 645,544 bytes


public QueuesRestOperations(HttpPipeline pipeline, string applicationId, Uri endpoint = null, string apiVersion = null)

Initializes a new instance of QueuesRestOperations.

public Response<ServiceBusQueueData> CreateOrUpdate(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, string queueName, ServiceBusQueueData data, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates or updates a Service Bus queue. This operation is idempotent.

public Task<Response<ServiceBusQueueData>> CreateOrUpdateAsync(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, string queueName, ServiceBusQueueData data, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates or updates a Service Bus queue. This operation is idempotent.

public Response Delete(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, string queueName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a queue from the specified namespace in a resource group.

public Task<Response> DeleteAsync(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, string queueName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a queue from the specified namespace in a resource group.

public Response<ServiceBusQueueData> Get(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, string queueName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Returns a description for the specified queue.

public Task<Response<ServiceBusQueueData>> GetAsync(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, string queueName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Returns a description for the specified queue.

public Response<SBQueueListResult> ListByNamespace(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, int? skip = default, int? top = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets the queues within a namespace.

public Task<Response<SBQueueListResult>> ListByNamespaceAsync(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, int? skip = default, int? top = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets the queues within a namespace.

public Response<SBQueueListResult> ListByNamespaceNextPage(string nextLink, string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, int? skip = default, int? top = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets the queues within a namespace.

public Task<Response<SBQueueListResult>> ListByNamespaceNextPageAsync(string nextLink, string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string namespaceName, int? skip = default, int? top = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets the queues within a namespace.