Aurelia.DotNet.Templates by Aurelia Core Team

<PackageReference Include="Aurelia.DotNet.Templates" Version="1.5.0" />

Package Files

530,056 bytes

 Aurelia.DotNet.Templates 1.5.0

This release has the ability to scaffold out an entire .NET Core project with Aurelia CLI. This will help streamline the Aurelia build process and enable rapid development in an integrated environment. You can generate a full fledge secure application with the --secure true option on top of all the normal options. $ dotnet new -i Aurelia.DotNet.Templates $ dotnet new aurelia $ dotnet new aurelia --help Generates a SPA App with .NET Core backend and Aurelia front end

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Aurelia CLI with .NET Core with optional security and scaffolding</title>
    <authors>Aurelia Core Team</authors>
    <owners>Aurelia Core Team</owners>
    <description>This release has the ability to scaffold out an entire .NET Core project with Aurelia CLI.  This will help streamline the Aurelia build process 
		and enable rapid development in an integrated environment.  You can generate a full fledge secure application with the --secure true option on top of all the normal options.
		$ dotnet new -i Aurelia.DotNet.Templates
		$ dotnet new aurelia
		$ dotnet new aurelia --help
		Generates a SPA App with .NET Core backend and Aurelia front end</description>
    <summary>This package will scaffold out all the necessary files to get up and running with Aurelia CLI and .NET Core with HMR</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Converted to CMD so no execution policy change is needed for Powershell</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright (c) 2010 - 2019 Blue Spire Inc.</copyright>
    <tags>aurelia .net core aureli cli boilerplate  webapi dotnet-new generator templating dotnet-core typescript rest-client dotnetcore dotnet architecture dotnet-cli dotnet-template</tags>
      <packageType name="Template" />