Atata by Yevgeniy Shunevych

<PackageReference Include="Atata" Version="2.4.0" />

.NET API 674,816 bytes


public class RadioButton<TOwner> : Field<bool, TOwner>, ICheckable<TOwner>, IObjectProvider<bool, TOwner>, IObjectProvider<bool> where TOwner : PageObject<TOwner>
Represents the radio button control (<input type="radio">). Default search is performed by the label.
public FieldVerificationProvider<bool, RadioButton<TOwner>, TOwner> ExpectTo { get; }

Gets the expectation verification provider that has a set of verification extension methods.

public ValueProvider<bool, TOwner> IsChecked { get; }

Gets the ValueProvider<T, U> of the checked state value.

public FieldVerificationProvider<bool, RadioButton<TOwner>, TOwner> Should { get; }

Gets the assertion verification provider that has a set of verification extension methods.

public FieldVerificationProvider<bool, RadioButton<TOwner>, TOwner> WaitTo { get; }

Gets the waiting verification provider that has a set of verification extension methods. Uses WaitingTimeout and WaitingRetryInterval of Current for timeout and retry interval.

public RadioButton()

public TOwner Check()

Checks the control. Also executes BeforeClick and AfterClick triggers.

protected virtual void OnCheck()