Atata by Yevgeniy Shunevych

<PackageReference Include="Atata" Version="1.3.0" />

.NET API 380,416 bytes


Namespace with 410 public types


 AggregateAssertionException Represents one or more errors that occur during an aggregate assertion.
 AssertionResult Represents the result of assertion.
 AtataAggregateAssertionStrategy Represents native/default Atata aggregate assertion strategy.
 AtataBuildingContext Represents the building context for creation. It is used by .
 AtataContext Represents the Atata context, the entry point for the test set-up.
 AtataContextBuilder Represents the builder of .
 AtataWarningReportStrategy Represents native/default Atata strategy for warning assertion reporting.
 Button`1 Represents the button control. Default search is performed by the content and value (button by content text and input by value attribute). Handles any input element with type="button", type="submit", type="reset" or button element.
 Button`2 Represents the button control. Default search is performed by the content and value (button by content text and input by value attribute). Handles any input element with type="button", type="submit", type="reset" or button element.
 CheckBox`1 Represents the checkbox control (<input type="checkbox">). Default search is performed by the label.
 CheckBoxList`2 Represents the checkbox list control (a set of <input type="checkbox">). Default search is performed by the name. Specific checkbox items can be found by label or value. By default items are searched by label using . Use to find items by value. Currently as a data type supports only enum (with [Flags]) types.
 Clickable`1 Represents any HTML element. Default search finds the first occurring element.
 Clickable`2 Represents any HTML element. Default search finds the first occurring element.
 ClickParentAttribute Indicates that the click on the parent component should occur on the specified event. By default occurs before any access to the component. Is useful for the drop-down button/menu controls.
 CloseAlertBoxAttribute Indicates that the alert box should be closed on the specified event. Be default occurs after the click.
 CloseConfirmBoxAttribute Indicates that the confirm box should be closed on the specified event. Be default occurs after the click. By default accepts the confirm box.
 ConsoleLogConsumer Represents the log consumer that uses method for logging.
 Content`2 Represents any HTML element containing content. Default search finds the first occurring element.
 ContentSourceAttribute Specifies the content source of a component. Source can be specified either using a value of or HTML attribute name.
 Control`1 Represents the base class for the controls.
 ControlDefinitionAttribute Specifies the definition of the control, like scope XPath, visibility, component type name, etc.
 ControlFindingAttribute Specifies the default finding strategy of a control. Can be applied to the control class and assembly.
 ControlList`2 Represents the list of controls of type.
 CultureAttribute Specifies the culture of the component.
 Currency`1 Represents any element containing currency content. Default search finds the first occurring element. The default format is "C2" (e.g. $123.45).
 Date`1 Represents any element containing date content. Default search finds the first occurring element. The default format is "d" (short date pattern, e.g. 6/15/2009).
 DateInput`1 Represents the date input control. Default search is performed by the label. The default format is "d" (short date pattern, e.g. 6/15/2009). Handles any input element with type="date", type="text" or without the defined type attribute.
 DateTime`1 Represents any element containing date and time content. Default search finds the first occurring element. The default format is "g" (general date/time pattern (short time), e.g. 6/15/2009 1:45 PM).
 DragAndDropUsingActionsAttribute Represents the behavior for drag and drop using WebDriver's . Performs , and actions.
 DragAndDropUsingDomEventsAttribute Represents the behavior for drag and drop using JavaScript. The script simulates drag and drop by dispatching DOM events: 'dragstart', 'dragenter', 'dragover', 'drop' and 'dragend'.
 EmailInput`1 Represents the email input control (<input type="email">). Default search is performed by the label.
 FileInput`1 Represents the file input control (<input type="file">). Default search is performed by the label.
 FileScreenshotConsumer Represents the screenshot consumer that saves the screenshot to the file. By default uses "Logs\{build-start}\{test-name-sanitized}" as folder path format, "{screenshot-number:D2} - {screenshot-pageobjectfullname}{screenshot-title: - *}" as file name format and as image format. Example of screenshot file path using default settings: "Logs\2018-03-03 14_34_04\SampleTest\01 - Home page - Screenshot title.png". Available path variables: {build-start}, {test-name}, {test-name-sanitized}, {test-start}, {driver-alias}, {screenshot-number}, {screenshot-title}, {screenshot-pageobjectname}, {screenshot-pageobjecttypename}, {screenshot-pageobjectfullname}. Path variables support the formatting.
 FindByAltAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the alt attribute. Finds the control that has the alt attribute matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByAttributeAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the specified attribute. Finds the control that has the specified attribute matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByChildContentAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the child content text. Finds the control having the child with the specified content. Uses as the default term case.
 FindByClassAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by class attribute. Finds the descendant or self control in the scope of the element having the specified class. Uses as the default term case.
 FindByColumnHeaderAttribute Specifies that a control should be found within the table column (<td>) that has the header (<th>) matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByColumnHeaderStrategy Represents a strategy that finds a control in a cell that corresponds the column searched by the column header text. First finds the index of the column header and then finds the cell by this index.
 FindByColumnIndexAttribute Specifies that a control should be found within the table column (<td>) that has the nth index.
 FindByColumnIndexStrategy Represents a strategy that finds a control in a cell searched by the specified column index.
 FindByContentAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the content text. Finds the control having the specified content. Uses as the default term case.
 FindByContentOrValueAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the content text or value attribute. Finds the control that has the content or value attribute matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByCssAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by CSS selector. Finds the descendant or self control in the scope of the element found by the specified CSS selector.
 FindByDescriptionTermAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the description list term element. Finds the descendant control of the <dd> element in the scope of the <dl> element that has the <dt> element matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByFieldSetAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the parent fieldset element. Finds the descendant control in the scope of the <fieldset> element that has the <legend> element matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByIdAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by id attribute. Finds the descendant or self control in the scope of the element having the specified id. Uses as the default term case.
 FindByIndexAttribute Specifies that a control should use the nth occurring element matching the control's definition.
 FindByLabelAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the label element. Finds the <label> element by the specified term(s), then finds the bound control (for example, by label's for attribute referencing the element of the control by id). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByNameAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by name attribute. Finds the descendant or self control in the scope of the element having the specified name. Uses as the default term case.
 FindByPlaceholderAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the placeholder attribute. Finds the control that has the placeholder attribute matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByTitleAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the title attribute. Finds the control that has the title attribute matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByValueAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by the value attribute. Finds the control that has the value attribute matching the specified term(s). Uses as the default term case.
 FindByXPathAttribute Specifies that a control should be found by XPath. Finds the descendant or self control in the scope of the element found by the specified XPath.
 FindFirstAttribute Indicates that a control should use the first occurring element matching the control's definition.
 FindItemByFollowingSiblingContentAttribute Represents the behavior to find an item of control by following sibling element content.
 FindItemByParentContentAttribute Represents the behavior to find an item of control by parent element content.
 FindItemByPrecedingSiblingContentAttribute Represents the behavior to find an item of control by preceding sibling element content.
 FindItemByRelativeElementContentAttribute Represents the behavior to find an item of control by relative element content using its XPath.
 FindItemByRelativeElementContentStrategy Represents an item find strategy that finds the item by relative element content using its XPath.
 FindLastAttribute Indicates that a control should use the last occurring element matching the control's definition.
 FindSettingsAttribute Defines the settings to apply for the specified finding strategy of a control.
 FormatAttribute Specifies the data format of the control.
 FormatSettingsAttribute Defines the data format to apply for the specified control.
 Frame`1 Represents the frame control (<iframe> or <frame>). Default search finds the first occurring <iframe> or <frame> element.
 Frame`2 Represents the frame control (<iframe> or <frame>). Default search finds the first occurring <iframe> or <frame> element.
 H1`1 Represents the <h1> heading tag. Default search finds the first occurring <h1> element.
 H2`1 Represents the <h2> heading tag. Default search finds the first occurring <h2> element.
 H3`1 Represents the <h3> heading tag. Default search finds the first occurring <h3> element.
 H4`1 Represents the <h4> heading tag. Default search finds the first occurring <h4> element.
 H5`1 Represents the <h5> heading tag. Default search finds the first occurring <h5> element.
 H6`1 Represents the <h6> heading tag. Default search finds the first occurring <h6> element.
 HiddenInput`1 Represents the hidden input control (<input type="hidden">) with text data. Default search finds the first occurring <input type="hidden"> element.
 HiddenInput`2 Represents the hidden input control (<input type="hidden">). Default search finds the first occurring <input type="hidden"> element.
 HierarchicalControl`2 Represents the hierarchical control (a control containing structured hierarchy of controls of type). Default search finds the first occurring element.
 HierarchicalItem`2 Represents the hierarchical item control (a control containing structured hierarchy of controls of type). Can have parent control of type. Default search finds the first occurring element.
 HierarchicalListItem`1 Represents the hierarchical list item control (<li>). Default search finds the first occurring <li> element. It is recommended to use with and .
 HierarchicalListItem`2 Represents the hierarchical list item control (<li>). Default search finds the first occurring <li> element. It is recommended to use with and .
 HierarchicalOrderedList`2 Represents the hierarchical ordered list control (<ol>). Default search finds the first occurring <ol> element.
 HierarchicalUnorderedList`2 Represents the hierarchical unordered list control (<ul>). Default search finds the first occurring <ul> element.
 HoverParentAttribute Indicates that the hover on the parent component should occur on the specified event. By default occurs before any access to the component. Is useful for the drop-down menu item controls.
 Image`1 Represents the image control (<img>). Default search finds the first occurring <img> element.
 ImageInput`1 Represents the image input control (<input type="image">). Default search is performed by alt attribute using .
 ImageInput`2 Represents the image input control (<input type="image">). Default search is performed by alt attribute using .
 Input`2 Represents the input control (<input>). Default search is performed by the label.
 InvokeDelegateAttribute Defines the delegate to invoke on the specified event.
 InvokeMethodAttribute Defines the method to invoke on the specified event.
 ItemsControl`2 Represents the items control (a control containing a set of any control of type). Default search finds the first occurring element.
 Label`1 Represents the label control (<label>). Default search is performed by the content.
 Label`2 Represents the label control (<label>). Default search is performed by the content.
 LabelList`1 Represents the list of controls. Gives opportunity to get a for particular control using its element id attribute that equals the for attribute of <label> element.
 Link`1 Represents the link control (<a>). Default search is performed by the content.
 Link`2 Represents the link control (<a>). Default search is performed by the content.
 ListItem`1 Represents the list item control (<li>). Default search finds the first occurring <li> element.
 LogEventInfo Represents the logging event information raised by Atata framework.
 LogInfoAttribute Defines the information message to be logged on the specified event.
 LogManager Represents the log manager, the entry point for the Atata logging functionality.
 NameAttribute Specifies the name of the component.
 Number`1 Represents any element containing number content. Default search finds the first occurring element.
 NumberInput`1 Represents the number input control. Default search is performed by the label. Handles any <input> element with type="number", type="text" or without the defined type attribute.
 NUnitAggregateAssertionStrategy Represents aggregate assertion strategy for NUnit. Uses NUnit's Assert.Multiple method for aggregate assertion.
 NUnitWarningReportStrategy Represents NUnit strategy for warning assertion reporting.
 ObjectExpressionStringBuilder Represents a visitor or rewriter for expression trees. Specifically oriented to handle the expression of function taking a single object argument.
 Option`2 Represents the option control (<option>). Default search finds the first occurring <option> element.
 OrderedList`2 Represents the ordered list control (<ol>). Default search finds the first occurring <ol> element.
 OrdinaryPage Represents the ordinary page.
 PageObjectDefinitionAttribute Specifies the definition of the page object, like scope XPath, component type name, etc.
 PasswordInput`1 Represents the password input control (<input type="password">). Default search is performed by the label.
 PressEnterAttribute Indicates that the Enter key should be pressed on the specified event. By default occurs after the set.
 PressEscapeAttribute Indicates that the Escape key should be pressed on the specified event. By default occurs after the set.
 PressKeysAttribute Defines the keys to press on the specified event. By default occurs after the set.
 PressTabAttribute Indicates that the Tab key should be pressed on the specified event. By default occurs after the set.
 RadioButton`1 Represents the radio button control (<input type="radio">). Default search is performed by the label.
 RadioButtonList`2 Represents the radio button list control (a set of <input type="radio">). Default search is performed by the name. Specific radio button items can be found by label or value. By default items are searched by label using . Use to find items by value. As a data type supports enum, string, numeric and other types.
 Report`1 Provides reporting functionality.
 RightClickParentAttribute Indicates that the right click on the parent component should occur on the specified event. By default occurs before any access to the component. Is useful for the context menu item controls.
 ScreenshotAttribute Indicates that the screenshot should be captured with an optional title. By default occurs before the click.
 ScreenshotInfo Represents the screenshot information. Is used by the classes that implement .
 ScrollDownAttribute Indicates that the scroll down should be performed on the specified event. By default occurs before any access to the component.
 ScrollUpAttribute Indicates that the scroll up should be performed on the specified event. By default occurs before any access to the component.
 ScrollUsingMoveToElementAttribute Represents the behavior for scrolling to control using WebDriver's . Performs action.
 ScrollUsingScrollIntoViewAttribute Represents the behavior for scrolling to control using JavaScript. Performs element.scrollIntoView(true) function.
 SearchInput`1 Represents the search input control (<input type="search">). Default search is performed by the label.
 Select`1 Represents the text select control (<select>). Default search is performed by the label. Selects an option using text. Option selection is configured via . Possible selection behavior attributes are: , , and . Default option selection is performed by text using .
 Select`2 Represents the select control (<select>). Default search is performed by the label. Option selection is configured via . Possible selection behavior attributes are: , , and . Default option selection is performed by text using .
 SelectByAttribute Represents the behavior for option selection of control using specified option attribute.
 SelectByLabelAttribute Represents the behavior for option selection of control using option label attribute.
 SelectByTextAttribute Represents the behavior for option selection of control using option text.
 SelectByValueAttribute Represents the behavior for option selection of control using option value attribute.
 Table`1 Represents the table control (<table>). Default search finds the first occurring <table> element.
 Table`2 Represents the table control (<table>). Default search finds the first occurring <table> element.
 Table`3 Represents the table control (<table>). Default search finds the first occurring <table> element.
 TableHeader`1 Represents the table header cell control (<th>). Default search finds the first occurring <th> element.
 TableRow`1 Represents the table row component (<tr>). Default search finds the first occurring <tr> element. By default every its control of type (or inherited from) is searched by the column header.
 TelInput`1 Represents the telephone number input control (<input type="tel">). Default search is performed by the label.
 TermAttribute Specifies the term(s) to use for the control search.
 TermFindSettingsAttribute Defines the term settings to apply for the specified finding strategy of a control.
 TermSettingsAttribute Specifies the term settings.
 Text`1 Represents any element containing text content. Default search finds the first occurring element.
 TextArea`1 Represents the text area control (<textarea>). Default search is performed by the label.
 TextInput`1 Represents the text input control (<input type="text">). Default search is performed by the label. Handles any <input> element with type="text" or without the defined type attribute.
 TextOutputLogConsumer Represents text output log consumer. Is used for regular text logging. Action to write text to some source can be passed via constructor. Also it is possible to define custom class inherited from and override method.
 Time`1 Represents any element containing time content. Default search finds the first occurring element.
 TimeInput`1 Represents the time input control. Default search is performed by the label. Handles any <input> element with type="time", type="text" or without the defined type attribute.
 TraceLogAttribute Indicates that component log messages should be written with log level instead of . Attribute is useful for sub-controls of complex controls to keep info log cleaner by skipping sub-control interactional log messages.
 UIComponentAttributeProvider`1 Allows to access the component scope element's attribute values.
 UIComponentCssProvider`1 Allows to access the component scope element's CSS property values.
 UIComponentLocationProvider`1 Allows to access the component scope element's location (X and Y).
 UIComponentMetadata Represents the UI component metadata which consists of component name, type, attributes, etc.
 UIComponentSizeProvider`1 Allows to access the component scope element's size (width and height).
 UnorderedList`2 Represents the unordered list control (<ul>). Default search finds the first occurring <ul> element.
 UrlAttribute Specifies the URL to navigate to during initialization of page object. Applies to page object types.
 UrlInput`1 Represents the URL input control (<input type="url">). Default search is performed by the label.
 VerifyContentAttribute Specifies the verification of the page content. Verifies whether the component contains the specified content values. By default occurs upon the page object initialization.
 VerifyContentMatchesAttribute Specifies the verification of the page content. Verifies whether the component content matches any of the specified values. By default occurs upon the page object initialization.
 VerifyExistsAttribute Indicates that the component should be verified whether it exists on the specified event. By default occurs upon the page object initialization.
 VerifyH1Attribute Specifies the verification of the <h1> element content. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. If no value is specified, it uses the class name as the expected value with the casing applied.
 VerifyH2Attribute Specifies the verification of the <h2> element content. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. If no value is specified, it uses the class name as the expected value with the casing applied.
 VerifyH3Attribute Specifies the verification of the <h3> element content. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. If no value is specified, it uses the class name as the expected value with the casing applied.
 VerifyH4Attribute Specifies the verification of the <h4> element content. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. If no value is specified, it uses the class name as the expected value with the casing applied.
 VerifyH5Attribute Specifies the verification of the <h5> element content. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. If no value is specified, it uses the class name as the expected value with the casing applied.
 VerifyH6Attribute Specifies the verification of the <h6> element content. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. If no value is specified, it uses the class name as the expected value with the casing applied.
 VerifyMissingAttribute Indicates that the component should be verified whether it is missing on the specified event. By default occurs upon the page object initialization.
 VerifyTitleAttribute Specifies the verification of the page title. By default occurs upon the page object initialization. If no value is specified, it uses the class name as the expected value with the casing applied.
 VerifyTitleSettingsAttribute Defines the settings to apply for the trigger.
 WaitAttribute Specifies the waiting period in seconds. By default occurs after any action.
 WaitForAngularJSAjaxAttribute Indicates that the waiting should be performed until the AngularJS (v1.*) AJAX is completed. By default occurs after the click.
 WaitForAttribute Specifies the condition of the component to wait for. By default occurs upon the page object initialization.
 WaitForDocumentReadyStateAttribute Indicates that the waiting should be performed until the document is ready/loaded. By default occurs upon the page object initialization.
 WaitForElementAttribute Specifies the waiting for the element. By default occurs after the click.
 WaitForJQueryAjaxAttribute Indicates that the waiting should be performed until the jQuery AJAX is completed. By default occurs after the click.
 WaitOptions Represents the component waiting options.


 AssertionStatus Specifies the assertion status.
 ContentSource Specifies the content source of a component.
 LogLevel Specifies the level of log event.
 ScopeSource Specifies the source of the scope.
 TermCase Specifies the term case.
 TermMatch Specifies the match approach for the term finding.
 TriggerEvents Specifies the trigger events.
 TriggerPriority Specifies the priority of the trigger execution.
 TriggerScope Specifies the scope of the trigger application.
 Until Specifies the waiting condition of the component/element.
 WaitBy Specifies the kind of the element selector for the waiting.

 Static Classes

 ActivatorEx Contains methods to create types of objects. To create an instance uses type's parameterless constructor or constructor containing only optional arguments.
 ContentExtractor Provides the functionality to get the content of the component.
 UriUtils Provides a set of methods for URI manipulations.

 Abstract Classes

 AssociatedControlList`2 Represents the list of associated controls of type. Provides functionality to get associated/dependent control to another control.
 AttributeSettingsAttribute Represents the base attribute settings class for other attributes.
 ContentGetBehaviorAttribute Represents the base behavior class for getting the component's content.
 DragAndDropBehaviorAttribute Represents the base behavior class for drag and drop.
 EditableField`2 Represents the base class for editable field controls. It can be used for controls like <input>, <select> and other editable controls.
 Field`2 Represents the base class for the field controls. It can be used for HTML elements containing content (like <h1>, <span>, etc.) representing content as a field value, as well as for <input> and other elements.
 FindAttribute Represents the base attribute class for the finding attributes.
 FrameSetPage`1 Represents the frameset-based HTML page. Uses the root <frameset> tag as a scope.
 MulticastAttribute Represents the base class for attributes that can be applied to component at any level (declared, parent component, assembly, global and component).
 Page`1 Represents the whole HTML page and is the main base class to inherit for the pages. Uses the <body> tag as a scope.
 PageObject`1 Represents the base class for the page objects. Also executes and triggers.
 PopupWindow`1 Represents the base class for the popup window page objects.
 ScopeDefinitionAttribute Represents the base attribute class for component scope definition. The basic definition is represented with XPath.
 ScrollBehaviorAttribute Represents the base behavior class for scrolling to control.
 SelectOptionBehaviorAttribute Represents the base behavior class for option selection of control.
 TermFindAttribute Represents the base attribute class for the finding attributes that use terms.
 TermVerificationTriggerAttribute The base trigger attribute class that can be used in the verification process when the page object is initialized.
 TriggerAttribute Represents the base attribute class for the triggers.
 UIComponent Represents the base class for UI components.
 UIComponent`1 Represents the base class for UI components.
 UIComponentDefinitionAttribute Represents the base attribute class for UI component (page object, control) definition.
 WaitForScriptAttribute Represents the base trigger attribute for a waiting for script to be executed successfully. An inherited class should override BuildScript method and optionally BuildReportMessage.


 IAggregateAssertionStrategy Represents an interface for aggregate assertion strategy.
 IDriverFactory Represents the driver factory.
 IPropertySettings Defines functionality that provides the properties bag.
 IScreenshotConsumer Defines the interface for the screenshot consumer.
 IUIComponent`1 Represents an interface for UI component.
 IWarningReportStrategy Represents an interface of strategy for warning assertion reporting.