AsynchronousBridge by Tom Jacques

<PackageReference Include="AsynchronousBridge" Version="1.2.1" />

.NET API 10,240 bytes

 AsynchronousBridge 1.2.1

Binaries for the AsyncBridge library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Tom Jacques</authors>
    <owners>Tom Jacques</owners>
    <description>Binaries for the AsyncBridge library.
        Visit for an overview and usage examples.</description>
    <summary>An open source helper library for interacting with asynchronous methods from synchronous ones from Windows Forms and ASP.NET applications.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Version Release Notes:

        Version 1.2.1
         - Small improvements to error handling

        Version 1.2.0
         - Allow for recursive asynchronicity by passing the current task queue.

        Version 1.1.1:
         - Better dependency management

        Version 1.1.0:
         - Add support for .NET 4.0
         - Added new method to unwrap task result in callback.
         - Bug fixes in error handling.

        Version 1.0.3:
         - Include updated documentation and debugging information in package

        Version 1.0.2:
         - Fix a race condition by replacing task.ContinueWith with the direct continuation invocation

        Version 1.0.1:
         - Include XML Documentation

        Version 1.0.0:
        Fully operational basic functionary for
         - AsyncBridge.Run(Task)
         - AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(Func&lt;Task&gt;, Action&lt;Exception&gt;)</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2013</copyright>
    <tags>Asynchronous Async Await Deadlock Callback</tags>
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.0">
        <dependency id="Microsoft.Bcl.Async" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.5" />