Aspose.Words.Cpp by Aspose

<PackageReference Include="Aspose.Words.Cpp" Version="20.8.0" />

 Aspose.Words.Cpp 20.8.0

Aspose.Words for C++ is a cross-platform C++ library that enables your applications to perform a great range of document processing tasks. With Aspose.Words you can load, save and convert documents between the following formats: DOC, DOT, DOCX, DOCM, DOTX, DOTM, XML (including Word 2003 XML), RTF, HTML, MHTML, MOBI, ODT, OTT, TXT – also you can convert them to: PDF, XPS, SVG, EPUB, XAML, PS, PCL, BMP, PNG, EMF, JPEG, GIF and other formats. With Aspose.Words you can generate, modify, convert documents without utilizing Microsoft Word®. Aspose.Words for C++ is well documented to help you create your solutions on different platforms. Rich Set of Features Aspose.Words for C++ features can be divided into four main areas: - Conversions: High quality conversions to and from DOC, OOXML, RTF, WordprocessingML, HTML, MHTML, TXT and OpenDocument formats - Document Object Model: Programmatic access through a rich API to all document elements and formatting allows to create, modify, extract, copy, split, join, and replace document content - Rendering: Convert whole documents or pages to PDF or for server-side document generation. Also convert document pages to PNG, BMP or EMF images. All with high fidelity - exactly like Microsoft Word® would have done it. Performance and Scalability Aspose.Words for C++ is designed to perform great both on a server or client. Aspose.Words for C++ does not require any additional libraries. You do not have to worry about any other services, libraries or other dependencies. You can literally generate thousands of documents in minutes with Aspose.Words for C++ and that involves opening a document, modifying content and formatting or populating it with data and saving it. Even most of the complex documents are opened and saved on a P4 2.4Ghz 1Gb RAM machine in fractions of a second. Aspose.Words for C++ is multithread safe as long as only one thread works on a document at a time. It is a typical scenario to have one thread working on one document. Different threads can safely work on different documents at the same time. Free support for Aspose.Words for C++ is provided on our support forum: Aspose.Words for C++ API Reference: Aspose.Words for C++ Examples:

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Aspose.Words for C++</title>
    <license type="file">build\native\license\End-User-License-Agreement.txt</license>
    <description>Aspose.Words for C++ is a cross-platform C++ library that enables your applications to perform a great range of document processing tasks. With Aspose.Words you can load, save and convert documents between the following formats: DOC, DOT, DOCX, DOCM, DOTX, DOTM, XML (including Word 2003 XML), RTF, HTML, MHTML, MOBI, ODT, OTT, TXT – also you can convert them to: PDF, XPS, SVG, EPUB, XAML, PS, PCL, BMP, PNG, EMF, JPEG, GIF and other formats. With Aspose.Words you can generate, modify, convert documents without utilizing Microsoft Word®.

Aspose.Words for C++ is well documented to help you create your solutions on different platforms.

Rich Set of Features

Aspose.Words for C++ features can be divided into four main areas:
 - Conversions: High quality conversions to and from DOC, OOXML, RTF, WordprocessingML, HTML, MHTML, TXT and OpenDocument formats
 - Document Object Model: Programmatic access through a rich API to all document elements and formatting allows to create, modify, extract, copy, split, join, and replace document content
 - Rendering: Convert whole documents or pages to PDF or for server-side document generation. Also convert document pages to PNG, BMP or EMF images. All with high fidelity - exactly like Microsoft Word® would have done it.

Performance and Scalability

Aspose.Words for C++ is designed to perform great both on a server or client. Aspose.Words for C++ does not require any additional libraries. You do not have to worry about any other services, libraries or other dependencies. You can literally generate thousands of documents in minutes with Aspose.Words for C++ and that involves opening a document, modifying content and formatting or populating it with data and saving it. Even most of the complex documents are opened and saved on a P4 2.4Ghz 1Gb RAM machine in fractions of a second.

Aspose.Words for C++ is multithread safe as long as only one thread works on a document at a time. It is a typical scenario to have one thread working on one document. Different threads can safely work on different documents at the same time.

Free support for Aspose.Words for C++ is provided on our support forum: 
Aspose.Words for C++ API Reference:
Aspose.Words for C++ Examples:</description>
    <summary>Aspose.Words for C++ is a native C++ library that offers a set of high-level APIs for most commonly used Word format such as DOC. Aspose.Words for C++ allows you to build high performance C++ applications having the capabilities to create, manipulate and convert Word documents without relying on Office Automation or Microsoft Word application.</summary>
    <copyright>© Aspose 2002-2020. All Rights Reserved.</copyright>
    <tags>Aspose.Words Words Native C++ Import Export Convert Word DOC RTF DOCX OOXML OpenDocument PDF XPS ODT HTML XHTML WordprocessingML Document EPUB</tags>
      <dependency id="CodePorting.Native.Cs2Cpp.API" version="20.8.0" />