AppMobiWindows8DirectCanvasTemplate by appMobi

<PackageReference Include="AppMobiWindows8DirectCanvasTemplate" Version="1.1.5" />

Package Files

6,705,893 bytes

 AppMobiWindows8DirectCanvasTemplate 1.1.5

appMobi's Direct Canvas "Bird Bounce" demo running in a Windows8 Store app as a starting point for your html 5 developement.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>appMobi Windows8 Store Template with Direct Canvas for HTML5 Development</title>
    <owners>Ryan Fiorini</owners>
    <iconUrl> rectangular icon 128x128.jpg</iconUrl>
    <description>appMobi's Direct Canvas "Bird Bounce" demo running in a Windows8 Store app as a starting point for your html 5 developement.</description>
    <summary>appMobi's Direct Canvas "Bird Bounce" demo running in a Windows8 Store app as a starting point for your html 5 developement.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>This template will pull down an AppMobiPage.xaml and the necessary HTML content and placed in a HTML folder.  In the OnLaunched method of the App.xaml.cs file change the rootFrame from MainPage to AppMobiPage.  

if (!rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(AppMobiPage), args.Arguments))

Add using AppMobiWindow8Template; to the top of App.xaml.cs file.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2012</copyright>
    <tags>appMobi Windows8 Win8 Store WebView Direct Canvas HTML5</tags>