AltarAPIDiabloIII by Marc Dumoulin

<PackageReference Include="AltarAPIDiabloIII" Version="2.1.0" />

 AltarAPIDiabloIII 2.1.0

The library provide those features : - The queries are cached, and only requeried if there is changes; - Requesting informations can be optionally done asynchronously, as it allow the use of the new keywords of .NET 4.5, async and await; - Can grabs the item’s images (small and large version), and cache them; - Can use a set of public / private keys to make authenticated requests; - And more!

<package xmlns="">
    <title>AltarAPIDiabloIII - Web API for Diablo 3</title>
    <authors>Marc Dumoulin</authors>
    <owners>Marc Dumoulin,AltarApps</owners>
    <description>The library provide those features :
- The queries are cached, and only requeried if there is changes;
- Requesting informations can be optionally done asynchronously, as it allow the use of the new keywords of .NET 4.5, async and await;
- Can grabs the item’s images (small and large version), and cache them;
- Can use a set of public / private keys to make authenticated requests;
- And more!</description>
    <summary>An implementation of the web API for Diablo 3, and Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>2.1.0 :
- Fixed a bug preventing the D3Cache's property ImageAsDirect from functioning as intended;
- Added an optional property to D3Cache, named ImagesLocation, which allow you to choose where the images are stored;
- Fixed the cache initialization to properly recreate deleted directory;
- The images' directory is now recreated while running if it was manually deleted;
- Added a method overload for GetImagePath, now allowing you to obtain SKILLS icons, small or large, for ActiveSkill, PassiveSkill and FollowerSkill;
- Items obtained via GetFullItem can now also be used in the GetImagePath method to obtain their icons;

2.0.1 :
- This is a mostly complete rewrite of the library;
- I cleaned up the parsing of the data we get from Blizzard into a proper deserialization system;
- The "Get"s methods (i.e. GetCareer, GetFullHero, GetFullItem, etc) are now located directly in the D3Cache class;
- More thread-safety added;
- The Clear() method of D3Cache is now more thorought -- it also clear the in-memory cache;
- More robust -- The library shouldn't normally crash due to minimal changes on Blizzard's part;
- Faster -- Some optimizations has been done across the board;
- ATTENTION : I expect minor bugs to crop up, like deserialization mismatches. If you find any, please send me an Email ASAP, i'll be very grateful !

1.3.2 : A small fix for a bug that came with D3's 2.0.1 patch, which prevented the obtention of a career. More to come once the api is updated for the expansion.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>AltarApps (c) 2012-2014</copyright>
    <tags>d3, dIII, diablo, 3, III, API, web, Blizzard, Activision, Community, ros, reaper, souls</tags>
      <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" />