AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement" Version="" />

.NET API 677,376 bytes


public class AutomationExecution
Detailed information about the current state of an individual Automation execution.
public string AutomationExecutionId { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property AutomationExecutionId.

The execution ID.

Gets and sets the property AutomationExecutionStatus.

The execution status of the Automation.

public string CurrentAction { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property CurrentAction.

The action of the step that is currently running.

public string CurrentStepName { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property CurrentStepName.

The name of the step that is currently running.

public string DocumentName { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property DocumentName.

The name of the Automation document used during the execution.

public string DocumentVersion { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property DocumentVersion.

The version of the document to use during execution.

public string ExecutedBy { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property ExecutedBy.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who ran the automation.

public DateTime ExecutionEndTime { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property ExecutionEndTime.

The time the execution finished.

public DateTime ExecutionStartTime { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property ExecutionStartTime.

The time the execution started.

public string FailureMessage { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property FailureMessage.

A message describing why an execution has failed, if the status is set to Failed.

public string MaxConcurrency { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property MaxConcurrency.

The MaxConcurrency value specified by the user when the execution started.

public string MaxErrors { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property MaxErrors.

The MaxErrors value specified by the user when the execution started.

public ExecutionMode Mode { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property Mode.

The automation execution mode.

public Dictionary<string, List<string>> Outputs { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property Outputs.

The list of execution outputs as defined in the automation document.

public Dictionary<string, List<string>> Parameters { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property Parameters.

The key-value map of execution parameters, which were supplied when calling StartAutomationExecution.

public string ParentAutomationExecutionId { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property ParentAutomationExecutionId.

The AutomationExecutionId of the parent automation.

public ProgressCounters ProgressCounters { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property ProgressCounters.

An aggregate of step execution statuses displayed in the AWS Console for a multi-Region and multi-account Automation execution.

public ResolvedTargets ResolvedTargets { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property ResolvedTargets.

A list of resolved targets in the rate control execution.

public List<StepExecution> StepExecutions { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property StepExecutions.

A list of details about the current state of all steps that comprise an execution. An Automation document contains a list of steps that are run in order.

public bool StepExecutionsTruncated { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property StepExecutionsTruncated.

A boolean value that indicates if the response contains the full list of the Automation step executions. If true, use the DescribeAutomationStepExecutions API action to get the full list of step executions.

public string Target { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property Target.

The target of the execution.

public List<TargetLocation> TargetLocations { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property TargetLocations.

The combination of AWS Regions and/or AWS accounts where you want to run the Automation.

public List<Dictionary<string, List<string>>> TargetMaps { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property TargetMaps.

The specified key-value mapping of document parameters to target resources.

public string TargetParameterName { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property TargetParameterName.

The parameter name.

public List<Target> Targets { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property Targets.

The specified targets.