AWSSDK.MachineLearning by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.MachineLearning" Version="3.7.200" />


Namespace with 17 public types


 Algorithm Constants used for properties of type Algorithm.
 AmazonMachineLearningClient Implementation for accessing MachineLearning Definition of the public APIs exposed by Amazon Machine Learning
 AmazonMachineLearningConfig Configuration for accessing Amazon MachineLearning service
 AmazonMachineLearningException Common exception for the MachineLearning service.
 AmazonMachineLearningRequest Base class for MachineLearning operation requests.
 BatchPredictionFilterVariable Constants used for properties of type BatchPredictionFilterVariable.
 DataSourceFilterVariable Constants used for properties of type DataSourceFilterVariable.
 DetailsAttributes Constants used for properties of type DetailsAttributes.
 EntityStatus Constants used for properties of type EntityStatus.
 EvaluationFilterVariable Constants used for properties of type EvaluationFilterVariable.
 MLModelFilterVariable Constants used for properties of type MLModelFilterVariable.
 MLModelType Constants used for properties of type MLModelType.
 RealtimeEndpointStatus Constants used for properties of type RealtimeEndpointStatus.
 SortOrder Constants used for properties of type SortOrder.
 TaggableResourceType Constants used for properties of type TaggableResourceType.

 Static Classes

 AmazonMachineLearningDefaultConfiguration Configuration for accessing Amazon MachineLearning service


 IAmazonMachineLearning Interface for accessing MachineLearning Definition of the public APIs exposed by Amazon Machine Learning