AWSSDK.MachineLearning by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.MachineLearning" Version="" />

.NET API 157,696 bytes


Namespace with 87 public types


 AddTagsRequest Container for the parameters to the AddTags operation. Adds one or more tags to an object, up to a limit of 10. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. If you add a tag using a key that is already associated with the ML object, AddTags updates the tag's value.
 AddTagsResponse Amazon ML returns the following elements.
 BatchPrediction Represents the output of a GetBatchPrediction operation. The content consists of the detailed metadata, the status, and the data file information of a Batch Prediction.
 CreateBatchPredictionRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateBatchPrediction operation. Generates predictions for a group of observations. The observations to process exist in one or more data files referenced by a DataSource. This operation creates a new BatchPrediction, and uses an MLModel and the data files referenced by the DataSource as information sources. CreateBatchPrediction is an asynchronous operation. In response to CreateBatchPrediction, Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) immediately returns and sets the BatchPrediction status to PENDING. After the BatchPrediction completes, Amazon ML sets the status to COMPLETED. You can poll for status updates by using the GetBatchPrediction operation and checking the Status parameter of the result. After the COMPLETED status appears, the results are available in the location specified by the OutputUri parameter.
 CreateBatchPredictionResponse Represents the output of a CreateBatchPrediction operation, and is an acknowledgement that Amazon ML received the request. The CreateBatchPrediction operation is asynchronous. You can poll for status updates by using the >GetBatchPrediction operation and checking the Status parameter of the result.
 CreateDataSourceFromRDSRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDataSourceFromRDS operation. Creates a DataSource object from an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). A DataSource references data that can be used to perform CreateMLModel, CreateEvaluation, or CreateBatchPrediction operations. CreateDataSourceFromRDS is an asynchronous operation. In response to CreateDataSourceFromRDS, Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) immediately returns and sets the DataSource status to PENDING. After the DataSource is created and ready for use, Amazon ML sets the Status parameter to COMPLETED. DataSource in the COMPLETED or PENDING state can be used only to perform >CreateMLModel>, CreateEvaluation, or CreateBatchPrediction operations. If Amazon ML cannot accept the input source, it sets the Status parameter to FAILED and includes an error message in the Message attribute of the GetDataSource operation response.
 CreateDataSourceFromRDSResponse Represents the output of a CreateDataSourceFromRDS operation, and is an acknowledgement that Amazon ML received the request. The CreateDataSourceFromRDS> operation is asynchronous. You can poll for updates by using the GetBatchPrediction operation and checking the Status parameter. You can inspect the Message when Status shows up as FAILED. You can also check the progress of the copy operation by going to the DataPipeline console and looking up the pipeline using the pipelineId from the describe call.
 CreateDataSourceFromRedshiftRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDataSourceFromRedshift operation. Creates a DataSource from a database hosted on an Amazon Redshift cluster. A DataSource references data that can be used to perform either CreateMLModel, CreateEvaluation, or CreateBatchPrediction operations. CreateDataSourceFromRedshift is an asynchronous operation. In response to CreateDataSourceFromRedshift, Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) immediately returns and sets the DataSource status to PENDING. After the DataSource is created and ready for use, Amazon ML sets the Status parameter to COMPLETED. DataSource in COMPLETED or PENDING states can be used to perform only CreateMLModel, CreateEvaluation, or CreateBatchPrediction operations. If Amazon ML can't accept the input source, it sets the Status parameter to FAILED and includes an error message in the Message attribute of the GetDataSource operation response. The observations should be contained in the database hosted on an Amazon Redshift cluster and should be specified by a SelectSqlQuery query. Amazon ML executes an Unload command in Amazon Redshift to transfer the result set of the SelectSqlQuery query to S3StagingLocation. After the DataSource has been created, it's ready for use in evaluations and batch predictions. If you plan to use the DataSource to train an MLModel, the DataSource also requires a recipe. A recipe describes how each input variable will be used in training an MLModel. Will the variable be included or excluded from training? Will the variable be manipulated; for example, will it be combined with another variable or will it be split apart into word combinations? The recipe provides answers to these questions. You can't change an existing datasource, but you can copy and modify the settings from an existing Amazon Redshift datasource to create a new datasource. To do so, call GetDataSource for an existing datasource and copy the values to a CreateDataSource call. Change the settings that you want to change and make sure that all required fields have the appropriate values.
 CreateDataSourceFromRedshiftResponse Represents the output of a CreateDataSourceFromRedshift operation, and is an acknowledgement that Amazon ML received the request. The CreateDataSourceFromRedshift operation is asynchronous. You can poll for updates by using the GetBatchPrediction operation and checking the Status parameter.
 CreateDataSourceFromS3Request Container for the parameters to the CreateDataSourceFromS3 operation. Creates a DataSource object. A DataSource references data that can be used to perform CreateMLModel, CreateEvaluation, or CreateBatchPrediction operations. CreateDataSourceFromS3 is an asynchronous operation. In response to CreateDataSourceFromS3, Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) immediately returns and sets the DataSource status to PENDING. After the DataSource has been created and is ready for use, Amazon ML sets the Status parameter to COMPLETED. DataSource in the COMPLETED or PENDING state can be used to perform only CreateMLModel, CreateEvaluation or CreateBatchPrediction operations. If Amazon ML can't accept the input source, it sets the Status parameter to FAILED and includes an error message in the Message attribute of the GetDataSource operation response. The observation data used in a DataSource should be ready to use; that is, it should have a consistent structure, and missing data values should be kept to a minimum. The observation data must reside in one or more .csv files in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location, along with a schema that describes the data items by name and type. The same schema must be used for all of the data files referenced by the DataSource. After the DataSource has been created, it's ready to use in evaluations and batch predictions. If you plan to use the DataSource to train an MLModel, the DataSource also needs a recipe. A recipe describes how each input variable will be used in training an MLModel. Will the variable be included or excluded from training? Will the variable be manipulated; for example, will it be combined with another variable or will it be split apart into word combinations? The recipe provides answers to these questions.
 CreateDataSourceFromS3Response Represents the output of a CreateDataSourceFromS3 operation, and is an acknowledgement that Amazon ML received the request. The CreateDataSourceFromS3 operation is asynchronous. You can poll for updates by using the GetBatchPrediction operation and checking the Status parameter.
 CreateEvaluationRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateEvaluation operation. Creates a new Evaluation of an MLModel. An MLModel is evaluated on a set of observations associated to a DataSource. Like a DataSource for an MLModel, the DataSource for an Evaluation contains values for the Target Variable. The Evaluation compares the predicted result for each observation to the actual outcome and provides a summary so that you know how effective the MLModel functions on the test data. Evaluation generates a relevant performance metric, such as BinaryAUC, RegressionRMSE or MulticlassAvgFScore based on the corresponding MLModelType: BINARY, REGRESSION or MULTICLASS. CreateEvaluation is an asynchronous operation. In response to CreateEvaluation, Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) immediately returns and sets the evaluation status to PENDING. After the Evaluation is created and ready for use, Amazon ML sets the status to COMPLETED. You can use the GetEvaluation operation to check progress of the evaluation during the creation operation.
 CreateEvaluationResponse Represents the output of a CreateEvaluation operation, and is an acknowledgement that Amazon ML received the request. CreateEvaluation operation is asynchronous. You can poll for status updates by using the GetEvcaluation operation and checking the Status parameter.
 CreateMLModelRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateMLModel operation. Creates a new MLModel using the DataSource and the recipe as information sources. An MLModel is nearly immutable. Users can update only the MLModelName and the ScoreThreshold in an MLModel without creating a new MLModel. CreateMLModel is an asynchronous operation. In response to CreateMLModel, Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) immediately returns and sets the MLModel status to PENDING. After the MLModel has been created and ready is for use, Amazon ML sets the status to COMPLETED. You can use the GetMLModel operation to check the progress of the MLModel during the creation operation. CreateMLModel requires a DataSource with computed statistics, which can be created by setting ComputeStatistics to true in CreateDataSourceFromRDS, CreateDataSourceFromS3, or CreateDataSourceFromRedshift operations.
 CreateMLModelResponse Represents the output of a CreateMLModel operation, and is an acknowledgement that Amazon ML received the request. The CreateMLModel operation is asynchronous. You can poll for status updates by using the GetMLModel operation and checking the Status parameter.
 CreateRealtimeEndpointRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateRealtimeEndpoint operation. Creates a real-time endpoint for the MLModel. The endpoint contains the URI of the MLModel; that is, the location to send real-time prediction requests for the specified MLModel.
 CreateRealtimeEndpointResponse Represents the output of an CreateRealtimeEndpoint operation. The result contains the MLModelId and the endpoint information for the MLModel. Note: The endpoint information includes the URI of the MLModel; that is, the location to send online prediction requests for the specified MLModel.
 DataSource Represents the output of the GetDataSource operation. The content consists of the detailed metadata and data file information and the current status of the DataSource.
 DeleteBatchPredictionRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteBatchPrediction operation. Assigns the DELETED status to a BatchPrediction, rendering it unusable. After using the DeleteBatchPrediction operation, you can use the GetBatchPrediction operation to verify that the status of the BatchPrediction changed to DELETED. Caution: The result of the DeleteBatchPrediction operation is irreversible.
 DeleteBatchPredictionResponse Represents the output of a DeleteBatchPrediction operation. You can use the GetBatchPrediction operation and check the value of the Status parameter to see whether a BatchPrediction is marked as DELETED.
 DeleteDataSourceRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteDataSource operation. Assigns the DELETED status to a DataSource, rendering it unusable. After using the DeleteDataSource operation, you can use the GetDataSource operation to verify that the status of the DataSource changed to DELETED. Caution: The results of the DeleteDataSource operation are irreversible.
 DeleteDataSourceResponse Represents the output of a DeleteDataSource operation.
 DeleteEvaluationRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteEvaluation operation. Assigns the DELETED status to an Evaluation, rendering it unusable. After invoking the DeleteEvaluation operation, you can use the GetEvaluation operation to verify that the status of the Evaluation changed to DELETED. Caution: The results of the DeleteEvaluation operation are irreversible.
 DeleteEvaluationResponse Represents the output of a DeleteEvaluation operation. The output indicates that Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) received the request. You can use the GetEvaluation operation and check the value of the Status parameter to see whether an Evaluation is marked as DELETED.
 DeleteMLModelRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteMLModel operation. Assigns the DELETED status to an MLModel, rendering it unusable. After using the DeleteMLModel operation, you can use the GetMLModel operation to verify that the status of the MLModel changed to DELETED. Caution: The result of the DeleteMLModel operation is irreversible.
 DeleteMLModelResponse Represents the output of a DeleteMLModel operation. You can use the GetMLModel operation and check the value of the Status parameter to see whether an MLModel is marked as DELETED.
 DeleteRealtimeEndpointRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteRealtimeEndpoint operation. Deletes a real time endpoint of an MLModel.
 DeleteRealtimeEndpointResponse Represents the output of an DeleteRealtimeEndpoint operation. The result contains the MLModelId and the endpoint information for the MLModel.
 DeleteTagsRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteTags operation. Deletes the specified tags associated with an ML object. After this operation is complete, you can't recover deleted tags. If you specify a tag that doesn't exist, Amazon ML ignores it.
 DeleteTagsResponse Amazon ML returns the following elements.
 DescribeBatchPredictionsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeBatchPredictions operation. Returns a list of BatchPrediction operations that match the search criteria in the request.
 DescribeBatchPredictionsResponse Represents the output of a DescribeBatchPredictions operation. The content is essentially a list of BatchPredictions.
 DescribeDataSourcesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeDataSources operation. Returns a list of DataSource that match the search criteria in the request.
 DescribeDataSourcesResponse Represents the query results from a DescribeDataSources operation. The content is essentially a list of DataSource.
 DescribeEvaluationsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEvaluations operation. Returns a list of DescribeEvaluations that match the search criteria in the request.
 DescribeEvaluationsResponse Represents the query results from a DescribeEvaluations operation. The content is essentially a list of Evaluation.
 DescribeMLModelsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeMLModels operation. Returns a list of MLModel that match the search criteria in the request.
 DescribeMLModelsResponse Represents the output of a DescribeMLModels operation. The content is essentially a list of MLModel.
 DescribeTagsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeTags operation. Describes one or more of the tags for your Amazon ML object.
 DescribeTagsResponse Amazon ML returns the following elements.
 Evaluation Represents the output of GetEvaluation operation. The content consists of the detailed metadata and data file information and the current status of the Evaluation.
 GetBatchPredictionRequest Container for the parameters to the GetBatchPrediction operation. Returns a BatchPrediction that includes detailed metadata, status, and data file information for a Batch Prediction request.
 GetBatchPredictionResponse Represents the output of a GetBatchPrediction operation and describes a BatchPrediction.
 GetDataSourceRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDataSource operation. Returns a DataSource that includes metadata and data file information, as well as the current status of the DataSource. GetDataSource provides results in normal or verbose format. The verbose format adds the schema description and the list of files pointed to by the DataSource to the normal format.
 GetDataSourceResponse Represents the output of a GetDataSource operation and describes a DataSource.
 GetEvaluationRequest Container for the parameters to the GetEvaluation operation. Returns an Evaluation that includes metadata as well as the current status of the Evaluation.
 GetEvaluationResponse Represents the output of a GetEvaluation operation and describes an Evaluation.
 GetMLModelRequest Container for the parameters to the GetMLModel operation. Returns an MLModel that includes detailed metadata, data source information, and the current status of the MLModel. GetMLModel provides results in normal or verbose format.
 GetMLModelResponse Represents the output of a GetMLModel operation, and provides detailed information about a MLModel.
 IdempotentParameterMismatchException A second request to use or change an object was not allowed. This can result from retrying a request using a parameter that was not present in the original request.
 InternalServerException An error on the server occurred when trying to process a request.
 InvalidInputException An error on the client occurred. Typically, the cause is an invalid input value.
 LimitExceededException The subscriber exceeded the maximum number of operations. This exception can occur when listing objects such as DataSource.
 MachineLearningPaginatorFactory Paginators for the MachineLearning service
 MLModel Represents the output of a GetMLModel operation. The content consists of the detailed metadata and the current status of the MLModel.
 PerformanceMetrics Measurements of how well the MLModel performed on known observations. One of the following metrics is returned, based on the type of the MLModel: BinaryAUC: The binary MLModel uses the Area Under the Curve (AUC) technique to measure performance. RegressionRMSE: The regression MLModel uses the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) technique to measure performance. RMSE measures the difference between predicted and actual values for a single variable. MulticlassAvgFScore: The multiclass MLModel uses the F1 score technique to measure performance. For more information about performance metrics, please see the Amazon Machine Learning Developer Guide.
 Prediction The output from a Predict operation: Details - Contains the following attributes: DetailsAttributes.PREDICTIVE_MODEL_TYPE - REGRESSION | BINARY | MULTICLASSDetailsAttributes.ALGORITHM - SGDPredictedLabel - Present for either a BINARY or MULTICLASSMLModel request. PredictedScores - Contains the raw classification score corresponding to each label. PredictedValue - Present for a REGRESSIONMLModel request.
 PredictorNotMountedException The exception is thrown when a predict request is made to an unmounted MLModel.
 PredictRequest Container for the parameters to the Predict operation. Generates a prediction for the observation using the specified ML Model. Note: Not all response parameters will be populated. Whether a response parameter is populated depends on the type of model requested.
 PredictResponse This is the response object from the Predict operation.
 RDSDatabase The database details of an Amazon RDS database.
 RDSDatabaseCredentials The database credentials to connect to a database on an RDS DB instance.
 RDSDataSpec The data specification of an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DataSource.
 RDSMetadata The datasource details that are specific to Amazon RDS.
 RealtimeEndpointInfo Describes the real-time endpoint information for an MLModel.
 RedshiftDatabase Describes the database details required to connect to an Amazon Redshift database.
 RedshiftDatabaseCredentials Describes the database credentials for connecting to a database on an Amazon Redshift cluster.
 RedshiftDataSpec Describes the data specification of an Amazon Redshift DataSource.
 RedshiftMetadata Describes the DataSource details specific to Amazon Redshift.
 ResourceNotFoundException A specified resource cannot be located.
 S3DataSpec Describes the data specification of a DataSource.
 Tag A custom key-value pair associated with an ML object, such as an ML model.
 UpdateBatchPredictionRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateBatchPrediction operation. Updates the BatchPredictionName of a BatchPrediction. You can use the GetBatchPrediction operation to view the contents of the updated data element.
 UpdateBatchPredictionResponse Represents the output of an UpdateBatchPrediction operation. You can see the updated content by using the GetBatchPrediction operation.
 UpdateDataSourceRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDataSource operation. Updates the DataSourceName of a DataSource. You can use the GetDataSource operation to view the contents of the updated data element.
 UpdateDataSourceResponse Represents the output of an UpdateDataSource operation. You can see the updated content by using the GetBatchPrediction operation.
 UpdateEvaluationRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateEvaluation operation. Updates the EvaluationName of an Evaluation. You can use the GetEvaluation operation to view the contents of the updated data element.
 UpdateEvaluationResponse Represents the output of an UpdateEvaluation operation. You can see the updated content by using the GetEvaluation operation.
 UpdateMLModelRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateMLModel operation. Updates the MLModelName and the ScoreThreshold of an MLModel. You can use the GetMLModel operation to view the contents of the updated data element.
 UpdateMLModelResponse Represents the output of an UpdateMLModel operation. You can see the updated content by using the GetMLModel operation.


 IDescribeBatchPredictionsPaginator Paginator for the DescribeBatchPredictions operation
 IDescribeDataSourcesPaginator Paginator for the DescribeDataSources operation
 IDescribeEvaluationsPaginator Paginator for the DescribeEvaluations operation
 IDescribeMLModelsPaginator Paginator for the DescribeMLModels operation
 IMachineLearningPaginatorFactory Paginators for the MachineLearning service