AWSSDK.Elasticsearch by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.Elasticsearch" Version="3.7.301.16" />


Constants used for properties of type DomainPackageStatus.
public static readonly DomainPackageStatus ACTIVE

Constant ACTIVE for DomainPackageStatus

public static readonly DomainPackageStatus ASSOCIATING

Constant ASSOCIATING for DomainPackageStatus

public static readonly DomainPackageStatus ASSOCIATION_FAILED

Constant ASSOCIATION_FAILED for DomainPackageStatus

public static readonly DomainPackageStatus DISSOCIATING

Constant DISSOCIATING for DomainPackageStatus

Constant DISSOCIATION_FAILED for DomainPackageStatus

public DomainPackageStatus(string value)

This constant constructor does not need to be called if the constant you are attempting to use is already defined as a static instance of this class. This constructor should be used to construct constants that are not defined as statics, for instance if attempting to use a feature that is newer than the current version of the SDK.

public static DomainPackageStatus FindValue(string value)

Finds the constant for the unique value.

public static DomainPackageStatus op_Implicit(string value)

Utility method to convert strings to the constant class.