AWSSDK.Elasticsearch by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.Elasticsearch" Version="" />


Namespace with 28 public types


 AmazonElasticsearchClient Implementation for accessing Elasticsearch Amazon Elasticsearch Configuration Service Use the Amazon Elasticsearch Configuration API to create, configure, and manage Elasticsearch domains. For sample code that uses the Configuration API, see the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. The guide also contains sample code for sending signed HTTP requests to the Elasticsearch APIs. The endpoint for configuration service requests is region-specific: For example, For a current list of supported regions and endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints.
 AmazonElasticsearchConfig Configuration for accessing Amazon Elasticsearch service
 AmazonElasticsearchException Common exception for the Elasticsearch service.
 AmazonElasticsearchRequest Base class for Elasticsearch operation requests.
 AutoTuneDesiredState Constants used for properties of type AutoTuneDesiredState.
 AutoTuneState Constants used for properties of type AutoTuneState.
 AutoTuneType Constants used for properties of type AutoTuneType.
 DeploymentStatus Constants used for properties of type DeploymentStatus.
 DescribePackagesFilterName Constants used for properties of type DescribePackagesFilterName.
 DomainPackageStatus Constants used for properties of type DomainPackageStatus.
 ESPartitionInstanceType Constants used for properties of type ESPartitionInstanceType.
 ESWarmPartitionInstanceType Constants used for properties of type ESWarmPartitionInstanceType.
 InboundCrossClusterSearchConnectionStatusCode Constants used for properties of type InboundCrossClusterSearchConnectionStatusCode.
 LogType Constants used for properties of type LogType.
 OptionState Constants used for properties of type OptionState.
 OutboundCrossClusterSearchConnectionStatusCode Constants used for properties of type OutboundCrossClusterSearchConnectionStatusCode.
 PackageStatus Constants used for properties of type PackageStatus.
 PackageType Constants used for properties of type PackageType.
 ReservedElasticsearchInstancePaymentOption Constants used for properties of type ReservedElasticsearchInstancePaymentOption.
 RollbackOnDisable Constants used for properties of type RollbackOnDisable.
 ScheduledAutoTuneActionType Constants used for properties of type ScheduledAutoTuneActionType.
 ScheduledAutoTuneSeverityType Constants used for properties of type ScheduledAutoTuneSeverityType.
 TimeUnit Constants used for properties of type TimeUnit.
 TLSSecurityPolicy Constants used for properties of type TLSSecurityPolicy.
 UpgradeStatus Constants used for properties of type UpgradeStatus.
 UpgradeStep Constants used for properties of type UpgradeStep.
 VolumeType Constants used for properties of type VolumeType.


 IAmazonElasticsearch Interface for accessing Elasticsearch Amazon Elasticsearch Configuration Service Use the Amazon Elasticsearch Configuration API to create, configure, and manage Elasticsearch domains. For sample code that uses the Configuration API, see the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. The guide also contains sample code for sending signed HTTP requests to the Elasticsearch APIs. The endpoint for configuration service requests is region-specific: For example, For a current list of supported regions and endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints.