AWSSDK.EC2 by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.EC2" Version="3.7.78" />

.NET API 3,100,816 bytes


Describes a VPC attachment.
public DateTime CreationTime { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property CreationTime.

The creation time.

Gets and sets the property Options.

The VPC attachment options.

public TransitGatewayAttachmentState State { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property State.

The state of the VPC attachment. Note that the initiating state has been deprecated.

public List<string> SubnetIds { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property SubnetIds.

The IDs of the subnets.

public List<Tag> Tags { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property Tags.

The tags for the VPC attachment.

public string TransitGatewayAttachmentId { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property TransitGatewayAttachmentId.

The ID of the attachment.

public string TransitGatewayId { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property TransitGatewayId.

The ID of the transit gateway.

public string VpcId { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property VpcId.

The ID of the VPC.

public string VpcOwnerId { get; set; }

Gets and sets the property VpcOwnerId.

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the VPC.