AWSSDK.EC2 by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.EC2" Version="3.7.31" />

.NET API 2,638,336 bytes


Namespace with 238 public types


 AccountAttributeName Constants used for properties of type AccountAttributeName.
 ActivityStatus Constants used for properties of type ActivityStatus.
 AddressAttributeName Constants used for properties of type AddressAttributeName.
 Affinity Constants used for properties of type Affinity.
 AllocationState Constants used for properties of type AllocationState.
 AllocationStrategy Constants used for properties of type AllocationStrategy.
 AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes Constants used for properties of type AllowsMultipleInstanceTypes.
 AmazonEC2Client Implementation for accessing AmazonEC2. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. Amazon EC2's simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets you run on Amazon's proven computing environment. Amazon EC2 reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes, allowing you to quickly scale capacity, both up and down, as your computing requirements change. Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing you to pay only for capacity that you actually use. Amazon EC2 provides developers the tools to build failure resilient applications and isolate themselves from common failure scenarios. Visit for more information.
 AmazonEC2Config Configuration for accessing Amazon EC2 service
 AmazonEC2Exception Common exception for the EC2 service.
 AmazonEC2Request Base class for EC2 operation requests.
 AnalysisStatus Constants used for properties of type AnalysisStatus.
 ApplianceModeSupportValue Constants used for properties of type ApplianceModeSupportValue.
 ArchitectureType Constants used for properties of type ArchitectureType.
 ArchitectureValues Constants used for properties of type ArchitectureValues.
 AssociatedNetworkType Constants used for properties of type AssociatedNetworkType.
 AssociationStatusCode Constants used for properties of type AssociationStatusCode.
 AttachmentStatus Constants used for properties of type AttachmentStatus.
 AutoAcceptSharedAssociationsValue Constants used for properties of type AutoAcceptSharedAssociationsValue.
 AutoAcceptSharedAttachmentsValue Constants used for properties of type AutoAcceptSharedAttachmentsValue.
 AutoPlacement Constants used for properties of type AutoPlacement.
 AvailabilityZoneOptInStatus Constants used for properties of type AvailabilityZoneOptInStatus.
 AvailabilityZoneState Constants used for properties of type AvailabilityZoneState.
 BatchState Constants used for properties of type BatchState.
 BgpStatus Constants used for properties of type BgpStatus.
 BootModeType Constants used for properties of type BootModeType.
 BootModeValues Constants used for properties of type BootModeValues.
 BundleTaskState Constants used for properties of type BundleTaskState.
 ByoipCidrState Constants used for properties of type ByoipCidrState.
 CancelBatchErrorCode Constants used for properties of type CancelBatchErrorCode.
 CancelSpotInstanceRequestState Constants used for properties of type CancelSpotInstanceRequestState.
 CapacityReservationFleetState Constants used for properties of type CapacityReservationFleetState.
 CapacityReservationInstancePlatform Constants used for properties of type CapacityReservationInstancePlatform.
 CapacityReservationPreference Constants used for properties of type CapacityReservationPreference.
 CapacityReservationState Constants used for properties of type CapacityReservationState.
 CapacityReservationTenancy Constants used for properties of type CapacityReservationTenancy.
 CarrierGatewayState Constants used for properties of type CarrierGatewayState.
 ClientCertificateRevocationListStatusCode Constants used for properties of type ClientCertificateRevocationListStatusCode.
 ClientVpnAuthenticationType Constants used for properties of type ClientVpnAuthenticationType.
 ClientVpnAuthorizationRuleStatusCode Constants used for properties of type ClientVpnAuthorizationRuleStatusCode.
 ClientVpnConnectionStatusCode Constants used for properties of type ClientVpnConnectionStatusCode.
 ClientVpnEndpointAttributeStatusCode Constants used for properties of type ClientVpnEndpointAttributeStatusCode.
 ClientVpnEndpointStatusCode Constants used for properties of type ClientVpnEndpointStatusCode.
 ClientVpnRouteStatusCode Constants used for properties of type ClientVpnRouteStatusCode.
 ConnectionNotificationState Constants used for properties of type ConnectionNotificationState.
 ConnectionNotificationType Constants used for properties of type ConnectionNotificationType.
 ConnectivityType Constants used for properties of type ConnectivityType.
 ContainerFormat Constants used for properties of type ContainerFormat.
 ConversionTaskState Constants used for properties of type ConversionTaskState.
 CopyTagsFromSource Constants used for properties of type CopyTagsFromSource.
 CurrencyCodeValues Constants used for properties of type CurrencyCodeValues.
 DatafeedSubscriptionState Constants used for properties of type DatafeedSubscriptionState.
 DefaultRouteTableAssociationValue Constants used for properties of type DefaultRouteTableAssociationValue.
 DefaultRouteTablePropagationValue Constants used for properties of type DefaultRouteTablePropagationValue.
 DefaultTargetCapacityType Constants used for properties of type DefaultTargetCapacityType.
 DeleteFleetErrorCode Constants used for properties of type DeleteFleetErrorCode.
 DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCode Constants used for properties of type DeleteQueuedReservedInstancesErrorCode.
 DeviceType Constants used for properties of type DeviceType.
 DiskImageFormat Constants used for properties of type DiskImageFormat.
 DiskType Constants used for properties of type DiskType.
 DnsNameState Constants used for properties of type DnsNameState.
 DnsSupportValue Constants used for properties of type DnsSupportValue.
 DomainType Constants used for properties of type DomainType.
 EbsEncryptionSupport Constants used for properties of type EbsEncryptionSupport.
 EbsNvmeSupport Constants used for properties of type EbsNvmeSupport.
 EbsOptimizedSupport Constants used for properties of type EbsOptimizedSupport.
 ElasticGpuState Constants used for properties of type ElasticGpuState.
 ElasticGpuStatus Constants used for properties of type ElasticGpuStatus.
 EnaSupport Constants used for properties of type EnaSupport.
 EndDateType Constants used for properties of type EndDateType.
 EphemeralNvmeSupport Constants used for properties of type EphemeralNvmeSupport.
 EventCode Constants used for properties of type EventCode.
 EventType Constants used for properties of type EventType.
 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy Constants used for properties of type ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy.
 ExportEnvironment Constants used for properties of type ExportEnvironment.
 ExportTaskState Constants used for properties of type ExportTaskState.
 FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode Constants used for properties of type FastSnapshotRestoreStateCode.
 FleetActivityStatus Constants used for properties of type FleetActivityStatus.
 FleetCapacityReservationTenancy Constants used for properties of type FleetCapacityReservationTenancy.
 FleetCapacityReservationUsageStrategy Constants used for properties of type FleetCapacityReservationUsageStrategy.
 FleetEventType Constants used for properties of type FleetEventType.
 FleetExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy Constants used for properties of type FleetExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy.
 FleetInstanceMatchCriteria Constants used for properties of type FleetInstanceMatchCriteria.
 FleetOnDemandAllocationStrategy Constants used for properties of type FleetOnDemandAllocationStrategy.
 FleetReplacementStrategy Constants used for properties of type FleetReplacementStrategy.
 FleetStateCode Constants used for properties of type FleetStateCode.
 FleetType Constants used for properties of type FleetType.
 FlowLogsResourceType Constants used for properties of type FlowLogsResourceType.
 FpgaImageAttributeName Constants used for properties of type FpgaImageAttributeName.
 FpgaImageStateCode Constants used for properties of type FpgaImageStateCode.
 GatewayType Constants used for properties of type GatewayType.
 HostRecovery Constants used for properties of type HostRecovery.
 HostTenancy Constants used for properties of type HostTenancy.
 HttpTokensState Constants used for properties of type HttpTokensState.
 HypervisorType Constants used for properties of type HypervisorType.
 IamInstanceProfileAssociationState Constants used for properties of type IamInstanceProfileAssociationState.
 Igmpv2SupportValue Constants used for properties of type Igmpv2SupportValue.
 ImageAttributeName Constants used for properties of type ImageAttributeName.
 ImageState Constants used for properties of type ImageState.
 ImageTypeValues Constants used for properties of type ImageTypeValues.
 InstanceAttributeName Constants used for properties of type InstanceAttributeName.
 InstanceEventWindowState Constants used for properties of type InstanceEventWindowState.
 InstanceHealthStatus Constants used for properties of type InstanceHealthStatus.
 InstanceInterruptionBehavior Constants used for properties of type InstanceInterruptionBehavior.
 InstanceLifecycle Constants used for properties of type InstanceLifecycle.
 InstanceLifecycleType Constants used for properties of type InstanceLifecycleType.
 InstanceMatchCriteria Constants used for properties of type InstanceMatchCriteria.
 InstanceMetadataEndpointState Constants used for properties of type InstanceMetadataEndpointState.
 InstanceMetadataOptionsState Constants used for properties of type InstanceMetadataOptionsState.
 InstanceMetadataProtocolState Constants used for properties of type InstanceMetadataProtocolState.
 InstanceStateName Constants used for properties of type InstanceStateName.
 InstanceType Constants used for properties of type InstanceType.
 InstanceTypeHypervisor Constants used for properties of type InstanceTypeHypervisor.
 InterfacePermissionType Constants used for properties of type InterfacePermissionType.
 InterfaceProtocolType Constants used for properties of type InterfaceProtocolType.
 Ipv6SupportValue Constants used for properties of type Ipv6SupportValue.
 KeyType Constants used for properties of type KeyType.
 LaunchTemplateErrorCode Constants used for properties of type LaunchTemplateErrorCode.
 LaunchTemplateHttpTokensState Constants used for properties of type LaunchTemplateHttpTokensState.
 LaunchTemplateInstanceMetadataEndpointState Constants used for properties of type LaunchTemplateInstanceMetadataEndpointState.
 LaunchTemplateInstanceMetadataOptionsState Constants used for properties of type LaunchTemplateInstanceMetadataOptionsState.
 LaunchTemplateInstanceMetadataProtocolIpv6 Constants used for properties of type LaunchTemplateInstanceMetadataProtocolIpv6.
 ListingState Constants used for properties of type ListingState.
 ListingStatus Constants used for properties of type ListingStatus.
 LocalGatewayRouteState Constants used for properties of type LocalGatewayRouteState.
 LocalGatewayRouteType Constants used for properties of type LocalGatewayRouteType.
 LocationType Constants used for properties of type LocationType.
 LogDestinationType Constants used for properties of type LogDestinationType.
 MarketType Constants used for properties of type MarketType.
 MembershipType Constants used for properties of type MembershipType.
 ModifyAvailabilityZoneOptInStatus Constants used for properties of type ModifyAvailabilityZoneOptInStatus.
 MonitoringState Constants used for properties of type MonitoringState.
 MoveStatus Constants used for properties of type MoveStatus.
 MulticastSupportValue Constants used for properties of type MulticastSupportValue.
 NatGatewayState Constants used for properties of type NatGatewayState.
 NetworkInterfaceAttribute Constants used for properties of type NetworkInterfaceAttribute.
 NetworkInterfaceCreationType Constants used for properties of type NetworkInterfaceCreationType.
 NetworkInterfacePermissionStateCode Constants used for properties of type NetworkInterfacePermissionStateCode.
 NetworkInterfaceStatus Constants used for properties of type NetworkInterfaceStatus.
 NetworkInterfaceType Constants used for properties of type NetworkInterfaceType.
 OfferingClassType Constants used for properties of type OfferingClassType.
 OfferingTypeValues Constants used for properties of type OfferingTypeValues.
 OnDemandAllocationStrategy Constants used for properties of type OnDemandAllocationStrategy.
 OperationType Constants used for properties of type OperationType.
 PartitionLoadFrequency Constants used for properties of type PartitionLoadFrequency.
 PaymentOption Constants used for properties of type PaymentOption.
 PermissionGroup Constants used for properties of type PermissionGroup.
 PlacementGroupState Constants used for properties of type PlacementGroupState.
 PlacementGroupStrategy Constants used for properties of type PlacementGroupStrategy.
 PlacementStrategy Constants used for properties of type PlacementStrategy.
 PlatformValues Constants used for properties of type PlatformValues.
 PrefixListState Constants used for properties of type PrefixListState.
 PrincipalType Constants used for properties of type PrincipalType.
 ProductCodeValues Constants used for properties of type ProductCodeValues.
 Protocol Constants used for properties of type Protocol.
 ProtocolValue Constants used for properties of type ProtocolValue.
 RecurringChargeFrequency Constants used for properties of type RecurringChargeFrequency.
 ReplacementStrategy Constants used for properties of type ReplacementStrategy.
 ReplaceRootVolumeTaskState Constants used for properties of type ReplaceRootVolumeTaskState.
 ReportInstanceReasonCodes Constants used for properties of type ReportInstanceReasonCodes.
 ReportStatusType Constants used for properties of type ReportStatusType.
 ReservationState Constants used for properties of type ReservationState.
 ReservedInstanceState Constants used for properties of type ReservedInstanceState.
 ResetFpgaImageAttributeName Constants used for properties of type ResetFpgaImageAttributeName.
 ResetImageAttributeName Constants used for properties of type ResetImageAttributeName.
 ResourceType Constants used for properties of type ResourceType.
 RIProductDescription Constants used for properties of type RIProductDescription.
 RootDeviceType Constants used for properties of type RootDeviceType.
 RouteOrigin Constants used for properties of type RouteOrigin.
 RouteState Constants used for properties of type RouteState.
 RouteTableAssociationStateCode Constants used for properties of type RouteTableAssociationStateCode.
 RuleAction Constants used for properties of type RuleAction.
 Scope Constants used for properties of type Scope.
 SelfServicePortal Constants used for properties of type SelfServicePortal.
 ServiceState Constants used for properties of type ServiceState.
 ServiceType Constants used for properties of type ServiceType.
 ShutdownBehavior Constants used for properties of type ShutdownBehavior.
 SnapshotAttributeName Constants used for properties of type SnapshotAttributeName.
 SnapshotState Constants used for properties of type SnapshotState.
 SpotAllocationStrategy Constants used for properties of type SpotAllocationStrategy.
 SpotInstanceInterruptionBehavior Constants used for properties of type SpotInstanceInterruptionBehavior.
 SpotInstanceState Constants used for properties of type SpotInstanceState.
 SpotInstanceType Constants used for properties of type SpotInstanceType.
 State Constants used for properties of type State.
 StaticSourcesSupportValue Constants used for properties of type StaticSourcesSupportValue.
 Status Constants used for properties of type Status.
 StatusName Constants used for properties of type StatusName.
 StatusType Constants used for properties of type StatusType.
 SubnetCidrBlockStateCode Constants used for properties of type SubnetCidrBlockStateCode.
 SubnetCidrReservationType Constants used for properties of type SubnetCidrReservationType.
 SubnetState Constants used for properties of type SubnetState.
 SummaryStatus Constants used for properties of type SummaryStatus.
 TelemetryStatus Constants used for properties of type TelemetryStatus.
 Tenancy Constants used for properties of type Tenancy.
 TrafficDirection Constants used for properties of type TrafficDirection.
 TrafficMirrorFilterRuleField Constants used for properties of type TrafficMirrorFilterRuleField.
 TrafficMirrorNetworkService Constants used for properties of type TrafficMirrorNetworkService.
 TrafficMirrorRuleAction Constants used for properties of type TrafficMirrorRuleAction.
 TrafficMirrorSessionField Constants used for properties of type TrafficMirrorSessionField.
 TrafficMirrorTargetType Constants used for properties of type TrafficMirrorTargetType.
 TrafficType Constants used for properties of type TrafficType.
 TransitGatewayAssociationState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayAssociationState.
 TransitGatewayAttachmentResourceType Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayAttachmentResourceType.
 TransitGatewayAttachmentState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayAttachmentState.
 TransitGatewayConnectPeerState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayConnectPeerState.
 TransitGatewayMulitcastDomainAssociationState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayMulitcastDomainAssociationState.
 TransitGatewayMulticastDomainState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayMulticastDomainState.
 TransitGatewayPrefixListReferenceState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayPrefixListReferenceState.
 TransitGatewayPropagationState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayPropagationState.
 TransitGatewayRouteState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayRouteState.
 TransitGatewayRouteTableState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayRouteTableState.
 TransitGatewayRouteType Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayRouteType.
 TransitGatewayState Constants used for properties of type TransitGatewayState.
 TransportProtocol Constants used for properties of type TransportProtocol.
 TunnelInsideIpVersion Constants used for properties of type TunnelInsideIpVersion.
 UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily Constants used for properties of type UnlimitedSupportedInstanceFamily.
 UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationErrorCode Constants used for properties of type UnsuccessfulInstanceCreditSpecificationErrorCode.
 UsageClassType Constants used for properties of type UsageClassType.
 VirtualizationType Constants used for properties of type VirtualizationType.
 VolumeAttachmentState Constants used for properties of type VolumeAttachmentState.
 VolumeAttributeName Constants used for properties of type VolumeAttributeName.
 VolumeModificationState Constants used for properties of type VolumeModificationState.
 VolumeState Constants used for properties of type VolumeState.
 VolumeStatusInfoStatus Constants used for properties of type VolumeStatusInfoStatus.
 VolumeStatusName Constants used for properties of type VolumeStatusName.
 VolumeType Constants used for properties of type VolumeType.
 VpcAttributeName Constants used for properties of type VpcAttributeName.
 VpcCidrBlockStateCode Constants used for properties of type VpcCidrBlockStateCode.
 VpcEndpointType Constants used for properties of type VpcEndpointType.
 VpcPeeringConnectionStateReasonCode Constants used for properties of type VpcPeeringConnectionStateReasonCode.
 VpcState Constants used for properties of type VpcState.
 VpcTenancy Constants used for properties of type VpcTenancy.
 VpnEcmpSupportValue Constants used for properties of type VpnEcmpSupportValue.
 VpnProtocol Constants used for properties of type VpnProtocol.
 VpnState Constants used for properties of type VpnState.
 VpnStaticRouteSource Constants used for properties of type VpnStaticRouteSource.
 WeekDay Constants used for properties of type WeekDay.


 IAmazonEC2 Interface for accessing EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides secure and resizable computing capacity in the AWS Cloud. Using Amazon EC2 eliminates the need to invest in hardware up front, so you can develop and deploy applications faster. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to provision a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you've defined. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) provides block level storage volumes for use with EC2 instances. EBS volumes are highly available and reliable storage volumes that can be attached to any running instance and used like a hard drive. To learn more, see the following resources: Amazon EC2: AmazonEC2 product page, Amazon EC2 documentation Amazon EBS: Amazon EBS product page, Amazon EBS documentation Amazon VPC: Amazon VPC product page, Amazon VPC documentation AWS VPN: AWS VPN product page, AWS VPN documentation