AWSSDK.Core by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.Core" Version="" />

.NET API 1,886,832 bytes


Options that control the behavior of FederatedAWSCredentials.

FederatedAWSCredentials uses this callback to get credentials if the UserIdentity is set.

public object CustomCallbackState { get; set; }

When FederatedAWSCredentials makes a callback for credentials, this state will be included for use by the callback handler.

public string ProfileName { get; set; }

The profile name, if this FederatedAWSCredentialsOptions is associated with a CredentialProfile.

public WebProxy ProxySettings { get; set; }

The proxy settings to use when calling the Secure Token Service and the ADFS endpoint.

public RegionEndpoint STSRegion { get; set; }

Set this property when a region-specific STS endpoint must be used (eg cn-north-1). If left empty/null, the global endpoint will be used when credentials are obtained.

public string UserIdentity { get; set; }

The identity to use when authenticating. This is in the form domain\username, or just username. If this option is not set, the current user's identity will be used.