AWSSDK.Core by Amazon Web Services

<PackageReference Include="AWSSDK.Core" Version="" />

.NET API 1,886,832 bytes


public class SAMLEndpointManager
Manages endpoints to be used in conjunction with SAML role profiles. The role profiles reference the endpoint to obtain the actual endpoint and any customization settings needed to perform authentication.
public static bool IsAvailable { get; }

True if the SAMLEndpointManager is available on the current platform, false otherwise.

Construct a SAMLEndpointManager.

public SAMLEndpoint GetEndpoint(string endpointName)

Get an endpoint from the store. Throws an exception if there's an error reading the endpoint, or if it doesn't exist.

public List<string> ListEndpointNames()

List the names of valid endpoints in the store.

List valid endopints that can be read from the store.

public void RegisterEndpoint(SAMLEndpoint samlEndpoint)

Register an endpoint, or update an existing one.

public bool TryGetEndpoint(string endpointName, out SAMLEndpoint samlEndpoint)

Get an endpoint, if it exists and is valid.

public void UnregisterEndpoint(string endpointName)

Delete an endpoint from the store, if it exists.