bbv.common.eventbroker by

<PackageReference Include="bbv.common.eventbroker" Version="7.1.0" />

 bbv.common.eventbroker 7.1.0

<package xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <metadata xmlns="">
    <authors>bbv Software Services AG</authors>
    <description>Notification component for synchronous and asynchronous loosly coupled notification with automatic thread switching:
      * Synchronous and asynchronous notification
      * Automatic thread switching: to background or UI thread
      * Loose coupling of event topic publishers and subscribers
      * Publishers and subscribers are referenced by weak references. Therefore they can be garbage collected
      * Multiple publishers and/or subscribers for a single event topic
      * Matchers for publications and subscriptions
      * Thorough customizable logging
      * Extension support

      bbv.Common.EventBroker is a part of bbv.Common, a library of .NET components and functionality including:
      * (a)synchronous notification component with thread switching using publisher-subscriber pattern,
      * hierarchical state machine with fluent definition syntax,
      * programmatic, loosely coupled, context based rule engine,
      * support for active objects to build multi-threaded applications</description>