Xigadee.Core by Paul Stancer and Guy Steel at Information Management Group Ltd, part of Hitachi Consulting (http://hitachiconsulting.com)

<PackageReference Include="Xigadee.Core" Version="0.95.16246.1-prerelease" />

.NET API 344,064 bytes


public class Channel
public IBoundaryLogger BoundaryLogger { get; set; }

public string Description { get; set; }

public ChannelDirection Direction { get; }

public string Id { get; }

public bool InternalOnly { get; }

public IEnumerable<PartitionConfig> Partitions { get; set; }

public List<ResourceProfile> ResourceProfiles { get; set; }

public Channel(string id, ChannelDirection direction, string description = null, IBoundaryLogger boundaryLogger = null, bool internalOnly = false)