Xbim.Essentials by xBIM Team

<PackageReference Include="Xbim.Essentials" Version="6.0.445" />

Package Files

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 Xbim.Essentials 6.0.445

xBIM Essentials provides support for IFC2x2, IFC2x3, IFC4 Addendum 2 and IFC Alignment (IFC4x1). xBIM can open, create or modify any IFC file format, including XML, STEP21 and IFCZIP formats. All programmatic access to IFC Entities is through a single interface, allowing one code base to work with all IFC formats and schemas. Ifc4 is the default interface future proofing your development work.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>xBIM Essentials</title>
    <authors>xBIM Team</authors>
    <owners>Steve Lockley, Martin Cerny and XBIM Contributors</owners>
    <description>xBIM Essentials provides support for IFC2x2, IFC2x3, IFC4 Addendum 2 and IFC Alignment (IFC4x1).
			xBIM can open, create or modify any IFC file format, including XML, STEP21 and IFCZIP formats.
			All programmatic access to IFC Entities is through a single interface, allowing one code base to work with all IFC formats and schemas.
			Ifc4 is the default interface future proofing your development work.</description>
    <summary>The main package for xBIM toolkit base libraries for working with IFC data.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Support for Net6.0 and netstandard2.1 added
			Support for Ifc4.3 TC1 schema
			Support for Managed Esent under netcore (Windows only still) - Esent now included as core again
			Updated to be Dependency Injection friendly</releaseNotes>
    <tags>BIM IFC IfcXml IfcZip Ifc4 COBie .Net XBIM WexBIM BuildingSmart</tags>
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0">
        <dependency id="Xbim.Common" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc2x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.Esent" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.MemoryModel" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Tessellator" version="6.0.445" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.1">
        <dependency id="Xbim.Common" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc2x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.Esent" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.MemoryModel" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Tessellator" version="6.0.445" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework6.0">
        <dependency id="Xbim.Common" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc2x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.Esent" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.MemoryModel" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Tessellator" version="6.0.445" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework8.0">
        <dependency id="Xbim.Common" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc2x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Ifc4x3" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.Esent" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.IO.MemoryModel" version="6.0.445" />
        <dependency id="Xbim.Tessellator" version="6.0.445" />