Unipluss.Sign.Models by Signere.no

<PackageReference Include="Unipluss.Sign.Models" Version="1.0.320" />

 Unipluss.Sign.Models 1.0.320

Client library POCOs for the REST API Also, check out the REST API documentation at Https://api.signere.no for further details about the resources that can be accessed through this library.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <owners>Signere.no AS</owners>
    <description>Client library POCOs for the REST API  
		Also, check out the REST API documentation at Https://api.signere.no for further details about the resources that can be accessed through this library.</description>
    <releaseNotes />
    <copyright>Copyright 2013</copyright>
    <tags>Signere, Sign, BankID, Digital signatur, Uni Pluss,Signere.no</tags>