ThinkSharp.FormulaParser by Jan-Niklas Schäfer

<PackageReference Include="ThinkSharp.FormulaParser" Version="0.9.0" />

 ThinkSharp.FormulaParser 0.9.0

A formula parser with fluent API that allows parsing and evaluation of mathematically formulas. Features: functions, constants, variables, scientific numbers, focus on customization and flexibility.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Jan-Niklas Schäfer</authors>
    <owners>Jan-Niklas Schäfer</owners>
    <license type="file">LICENSE.txt</license>
    <description>A formula parser with fluent API that allows parsing and evaluation of mathematically formulas. Features: functions, constants, variables, scientific numbers, focus on customization and flexibility.</description>
    <releaseNotes>Removed term rewriting functionality (has been moved to its own project)</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>© 2020 Jan-Niklas Schäfer</copyright>
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0">
        <dependency id="Antlr4.Runtime.Standard" version="4.7.2" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />