TXTextControl.DocumentServices.Admin by Text Control GmbH

<PackageReference Include="TXTextControl.DocumentServices.Admin" Version="2.0.0" />


public class Admin : HttpRequester
public Admin(string serviceUrl, string password)

Creates a new instance which communicates with the service hosted at the given URL

Adds a new security profile.

public Task ChangeUserPassword(string userName, string password)

Updates the password of the given username with a new password.

public Task DeleteSecurityProfile(int id)

Deletes a specific security profile based on a given ID.

Gets a specific security profile based on a given ID.

public Task<int[]> GetSecurityProfileIds()

Gets an array of existing security profile IDs.

public Task UpdateAllowClientCredentialsGrantType(int id, bool allowClientCredentialsGrantType)

Specifies whether the client credentials grant type is activated or not based on a given ID.

public Task UpdateAuthorizedRedirectUris(int id, string[] redirectUris)

Specifies the authorized redirect URIs for a security profile based on a given ID.

public Task UpdateExpiryDate(int id, DateTime expiryDate)

Specifies the expiry date of a security profile based on a given ID.