Syncfusion.SfPivotChart.UWP by Syncfusion Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Syncfusion.SfPivotChart.UWP" Version="25.2.7" />

 Syncfusion.SfPivotChart.UWP 25.2.7

This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion UWP Pivot Chart control and more.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Syncfusion Pivot Chart for UWP</title>
    <authors>Syncfusion Inc.</authors>
    <license type="file">LICENSE.txt</license>
    <description>This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion UWP Pivot Chart control and more.</description>
    <copyright>Copyright 2001 - 2024 Syncfusion Inc.</copyright>
    <tags>syncfusion syncfusion.uwp uwp .net desktop mobile uap10.0 universal xaml mvvm ssas olapchart cube adomd analysisservice multidimensional kpi mdx mdxquery relational pivot pivotchart pivotengine pivottable legend series calculation aggregation expand collapse</tags>
      <dependency id="Syncfusion.Olap.UWP" version="25.2.7" />
      <dependency id="Syncfusion.SfChart.UWP" version="25.2.7" />
      <dependency id="Syncfusion.SfBusyIndicator.UWP" version="25.2.7" />
      <dependency id="Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.UWP" version="25.2.7" />
      <dependency id="Syncfusion.Licensing" version="25.2.7" />