Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations by Syncfusion Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations" Version="23.2.4" />

.NET API 716,288 bytes


Namespace with 115 public types


 AccordionAnimationCollapse A class that represents the animation to appear while collapsing the .
 AccordionAnimationExpand A class that represents the animation to appear while expanding the .
 AccordionAnimationSettings A class that represents the animations to appear on expand and collapse action of .
 AccordionClickArgs Provides the information about the accordion click action.
 AccordionEvents Provides event handlers for the component.
 AccordionItem A class that represents accordion panels of component.
 AccordionItemModel Provides information about the accordion item.
 AccordionItems Represents a collection of .
 ActionEventArgs Specified the class that denotes the creation and destroy action of TreeView component.
 AddEventArgs Provides information about the adding or added item in tab.
 AppBarSeparator Represents a component which displays a line to visually group or separate the AppBar contents.
 AppBarSpacer Represents a component that introduce spacing between the AppBar contents which gives an additional space on content layout.
 BeforeOpenCloseMenuEventArgs`1 Provides the information about OnOpen/OnClose event.
 BreadcrumbClickedEventArgs Provides information about the event callback.
 BreadcrumbItem A class that represents breadcrumb component item of component.
 BreadcrumbItemRenderingEventArgs Provides information about the event callback.
 BreadcrumbItems Represents a collection of .
 BreadcrumbTemplates Represents template options in component.
 CarouselItem A class that represents the Carousel item of component.
 ChangeEventArgs Defines the event arguments for the change event.
 ClickEventArgs Provides information about the clicked item in toolbar.
 CollapsedEventArgs Provides the information about the accordion item collapsed action.
 CollapseEventArgs Provides the information about the accordion item collapse action.
 DataBoundEventArgs`1 Provides information about the event callback.
 DataSourceChangedEventArgs`1 Provides information about the event callback.
 DragAndDropEventArgs Provides information about the drag and drop events callback.
 DragEventArgs Provides information about the dragged tab item.
 EventArgs Interface for open and close events.
 ExpandedEventArgs Provides the information about the accordion item expanded action.
 ExpandEventArgs Provides the information about the accordion item expanding action.
 FailureEventArgs Provides information about the event callback.
 HeaderModel Provides information about the tab header.
 IndicatorsTemplateContext A class that holds the options for the IndictorsTemplate.
 ItemModel Provides information about the toolbar item.
 MenuAnimationSettings Specifies the animation settings for the menu open.
 MenuEventArgs`1 Provides the information about the OnItemRender/ItemSelected event.
 MenuEvents`1 Used to configure the menu events.
 MenuFieldSettings Configures the field options of the Menu.
 MenuItem Used to configure the items which is going to render as menu.
 MenuItemModel Provides the information about MenuItem.
 MenuItems List of items that is used to configure menu items.
 MenuTemplates`1 Used to specify templates for rendering menu items.
 NodeCheckEventArgs Provides information about the event callback.
 NodeClickEventArgs Provides information about the event callback.
 NodeData Specifies class that holds the node details.
 NodeEditEventArgs Provides information about the node edit events callback.
 NodeExpandEventArgs Provides information about the node expand events callback.
 NodeKeyPressEventArgs Provides information about the event callback.
 NodeRenderEventArgs`1 Provides information about the event callback.
 NodeSelectEventArgs Provides information about the node selection event callback.
 OpenCloseMenuEventArgs`1 Provides the information about the Opened/Closed event.
 PageChangedEventArgs Provides information about the event.
 PageChangingEventArgs Provides information about the event.
 PagerItemClickEventArgs Provides information about the event.
 PagerTemplateContext Represents a class that provides information about which as context for .
 PageSizeChangedArgs Provides information about the event.
 PageSizeChangingArgs Provides information about the event.
 RemoveEventArgs Provides information about the removing or removed item in tab.
 SelectEventArgs Provides information about the selected tab item.
 SelectingEventArgs Provides information about the selecting tab item.
 SfAccordion Accordion is a vertically collapsible panel that displays one or more panels at a time.
 SfAppBar The AppBar displays the information and actions related to the current application screen. It is used to show branding, screen titles, navigation, and actions.
 SfBreadcrumb Breadcrumb component is a graphical user interface that helps to identify or highlight the current location within a hierarchical structure of websites. The aim is to make the user aware of their current position in a hierarchy of website links.
 SfCarousel The carousel component is a slide show of images, contents or images with contents.
 SfContextMenu`1 ContextMenu is a graphical user interface that appears on the user right click/touch hold operation.
 SfMenu`1 Menu is a graphical user interface that serve as navigation headers for your application.
 SfPager Methods partial class
 SfSidebar The SfSidebar component is an expandable and collapsible component that typically acts as a side container to place primary or secondary content alongside the main content.
 SfTab Tab is a content panel to show multiple contents in a compact space. Also, only one tab is active at a time. Each Tab item has an associated content, that will be displayed based on the active Tab.
 SfToolbar The Toolbar control contains a list of toolbar items that are aligned horizontally.
 SfTreeView`1 The Blazor TreeView component displays hierarchical data, such as a table of contents, code examples, and file directories, in a tree-like structure.
 TabAnimationNext A class that represents the animation to appear while moving to the next tab content.
 TabAnimationPrevious Specifies the animation to appear when moving to the previous Tab content.
 TabAnimationSettings A class that represents the animations to appear while activating the .
 TabEvents Provides event handlers for the component.
 TabHeader A class that represents the tab header of component.
 TabItem A class that represents tab component item of component.
 TabItemModel Provides information about the tab item.
 TabItems Represents a collection of .
 ToolbarItem A class that represents toolbar component item of component.
 ToolbarItems Represents a collection of .
 TreeViewAnimationCollapse Specifies the animation to appear while collapsing the TreeView item.
 TreeViewAnimationExpand Specifies the animation to appear while expanding the TreeView item.
 TreeViewEvents`1 The TreeView allows us to control the component by using events.
 TreeViewFieldChild`1 A class used for configuring the TreeView child element fields properties.
 TreeViewFieldOptions`1 A class used for configuring the TreeView fields setting properties.
 TreeViewFieldsSettings`1 A class used for configuring the TreeView fields setting properties.
 TreeViewNodeAnimationSettings A class used for configuring the TreeView animation properties.
 TreeViewTemplates`1 The TreeView component allows you to customize the look of TreeView nodes using Templates.


 AppBarColor Specifies the color of the component.
 AppBarMode Specifies the height mode of the component which define the height of the AppBar.
 AppBarPosition Specifies the position of the component.
 BreadcrumbOverflowMode Specifies how to display Breadcrumb items in component when the Breadcrumb items exceeds Breadcrumb container or property.
 CarouselAnimationEffect Specifies the animation effect which need to be applied on transition of component.
 CarouselButtonVisibility Specifies how to display the navigation buttons in component.
 CarouselIndicatorsType Specifies the types of the indicators of component.
 CarouselSlideDirection Specifies the slide direction in which transition of component occurs.
 CarouselSwipeMode Enables or disables the slide swiping action through Touch and Mouse.
 ContentLoad Enum for the different options for displaying tab content.
 DisplayMode Specifies where the text is displayed in the popup mode of the Toolbar.
 ExpandAction Defines the expand type of the TreeView node.
 ExpandMode Specifies the option to expand single or multiple panel at a time in the component.
 HeaderPosition Enum for the different positions where a tab header can be placed.
 ItemAlign Specifies the alignment of the Toolbar items.
 ItemType Specifies the element types supported by the Toolbar component.
 MenuEffect Menu animation effects.
 Orientation Specifies the option for orientation mode of Menu. By default, component rendered in Horizontal orientation mode.
 OverflowMode Specifies the display mode for the Toolbar component when the content exceeds the available space.
 OverflowOption Specifies the display area of the Toolbar item when the Toolbar content overflows the available space. This option is applicable in the `Popup` mode.
 SidebarPosition Specifies the Sidebar positions.
 SidebarType Specifies the Sidebar types.
 SortOrder Defines the sorting order type for TreeView.
 TreeEffect TreeView animation effects.