SpecsFor.Helpers.Web by Matt Honeycutt

<PackageReference Include="SpecsFor.Helpers.Web" Version="1.0.0-alpha06" />

 SpecsFor.Helpers.Web 1.0.0-alpha06

Would you like to write simple and clean specs around your ASP.NET MVC controllers, filters, and helpers? All you need is SpecsFor and this package!

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/10/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>SpecsFor&lt;Web&gt; Helpers</title>
    <authors>Matt Honeycutt</authors>
    <owners>Matt Honeycutt</owners>
    <description>Would you like to write simple and clean specs around your ASP.NET MVC controllers, filters, and helpers?  All you need is SpecsFor and this package!</description>
    <tags>testing tdd bdd specs specsfor AspNet Mvc AspNetMvc</tags>
      <dependency id="Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc" version="5.2.0" />
      <dependency id="Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Futures" version="5.1.0-rc1" />
      <dependency id="SpecsFor" version="4.0.2" />