SirenOfShame.Device by Lee Richardson

<PackageReference Include="SirenOfShame.Device" Version="1.0.1" />

 SirenOfShame.Device 1.0.1

A UWP API for reading from and writing to a siren of shame device using the HID USB protocol. Provies notifications for when a device is connected and disconnected. Allows reading led and audio patterns available as well as playing those patterns on the device.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Siren Of Shame UWP Device API</title>
    <authors>Lee Richardson</authors>
    <owners>Lee Richardson</owners>
    <description>A UWP API for reading from and writing to a siren of shame device using the HID USB protocol.  Provies notifications for when a device is connected and disconnected.  Allows reading led and audio patterns available as well as playing those patterns on the device.</description>
    <summary>A UWP API for controlling a Siren of Shame device</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Added ARM support (for Windows IoT and Raspberry Pi, and theoretically WinPhone too). Removed MetroLog dependency.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright © Automated Architecture</copyright>
    <tags>SirenOfShame Siren Shame Continuous Integration CI Jenkins TeamCity Windows IoT</tags>