SimpleInjector.Integration.Web by Simple Injector Contributors

<PackageReference Include="SimpleInjector.Integration.Web" Version="3.0.0-alpha1" />

 SimpleInjector.Integration.Web 3.0.0-alpha1

The Simple Injector ASP.NET Integration package adds a lifestyle to the Simple Injector called 'Per Web Request', which allows instances to live within a single HTTP request and get disposed when the request ends.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Simple Injector Contributors</authors>
    <owners>Simple Injector Contributors</owners>
      <dependency id="SimpleInjector" version="3.0.0-alpha1" />
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure" targetFramework=".NETFramework4.0" />
    <title>Simple Injector ASP.NET Integration</title>
    <description>The Simple Injector ASP.NET Integration package adds a lifestyle to the Simple Injector called 'Per Web Request', which allows instances to live within a single HTTP request and get disposed when the request ends.</description>
    <summary>ASP.NET integration for Simple Injector. General integration package for web applications such as Web Forms, MVC and IIS hosted Web API projects.</summary>
    <copyright>Simple Injector Contributors 2012 - 2014</copyright>
    <tags>simpleinjector architecture dependency-injection DI easy easy-to-use Inversion-of-Control IOC per-web-request web integration</tags>