shouldfluent by

<PackageReference Include="shouldfluent" Version="1.1.12" />

 shouldfluent 1.1.12

<package xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <metadata xmlns="">
    <authors>Tim Scott</authors>
    <owners>Tim Scott</owners>
    <description>The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension methods for test assertions for AAA and BDD style tests. It provides assertions only, and as a result it is Test runner agnostic. The assertions are a direct fork of the xUnit test assertions. This project was born because test runners Should be independent of the the assertions!</description>
    <summary>The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension methods for test assertions for AAA and BDD style tests. It provides assertions only, and as a result it is Test runner agnostic. The assertions are a direct fork of the xUnit test assertions. This project was born because test runners Should be independent of the the assertions!</summary>