Selenium.WebDriver by Selenium Committers

<PackageReference Include="Selenium.WebDriver" Version="3.0.1" />

.NET API 1,602,560 bytes


Assembly with 13 public namespaces (1,602,560 bytes)

 OpenQA.Selenium with 56 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome with 6 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Edge with 5 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox with 11 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Html5 with 10 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.IE with 9 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions with 3 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Internal with 1 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Internal with 13 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Opera with 4 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.PhantomJS with 4 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Remote with 25 public types

 OpenQA.Selenium.Safari with 3 public types