Scribe.NET by Jon Fazzaro

<PackageReference Include="Scribe.NET" Version="1.0.4" />

.NET API 7,680 bytes

 Scribe.NET 1.0.4

Scribe lets you write RSpec-style tests in C# (without leaving the comfort of your favorite testing framework).

<package xmlns="">
  <metadata minClientVersion="3.3.0">
    <authors>Jon Fazzaro</authors>
    <owners>Jon Fazzaro</owners>
    <description>Scribe lets you write RSpec-style tests in C# (without leaving the comfort of your favorite testing framework).</description>
    <copyright>Copyright 2018, Fazzaro</copyright>
    <tags>C#, TDD, RSpec, Describe, It, BeforeEach</tags>
      <files include="any/any/Scribe.ttinclude" buildAction="None" copyToOutput="false" />