ScheduleWidget by James Still,Dajo Hein,Kurt Mang

<PackageReference Include="ScheduleWidget" Version="2.2.0" />

 ScheduleWidget 2.2.0

ScheduleWidget handles recurring events for calendars

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>James Still,Dajo Hein,Kurt Mang</authors>
    <owners>James Still</owners>
    <description>ScheduleWidget handles recurring events for calendars</description>
    <releaseNotes>Changes from v2.1:

Dajo Hein ( contributed recurring events for every nn weeks. To support weekly events (e.g., recur every 2 weeks on a Mon) an Event class now has the nullable DateTime property FirstDateTime. 

Modified Schedule Occurrences method to default to the FirstDateTime date as a start date in the date range. If FirstDateTime is null then it uses the StartDateTime passed into the method.

Kurt Mang ( contributed recurring quarterly events.

James Still added yearly events merely for the sake of completeness. :)

For sample usage see project site or unit tests at github ( Unit tests use NUnit 2.6.2. If you use TestDriven.NET then you'll have to upgrade to v.3.4 to run the unit tests. Otherwise you can always use NUnit normally.</releaseNotes>
    <tags>.net45 schedule recurring events calendars</tags>
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System" targetFramework=".NETFramework4.5" />